Moving To Italy- Tips to Speed Up Your Jure Sanguinis Process

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Moving To Italy- Tips to Speed Up Your Jure Sanguinis Process

If you wish to immigrate to Italy and have ancestral roots in the country, you are lucky. The country offers the citizenship by descent option, enabling you to capitalize on your bloodline for easy immigration. You can apply through the Jure Sanguinis process at your local Italian consulate. Although it may be the fastest citizenship route, you may still have to wait for a year or more to complete the formalities. However, you can do your bit to expedite the process. If you want to know more about doing so, here is a detailed guide by Bersani Law Firm to help and other great suggestions from We have a brief list of tips to speed up things and start your Italian life sooner than you expect.

Be double-sure about eligibility

Eligibility for citizenship by descent is not just having Italian parents or ancestors. You have to follow some more norms to qualify. Your eligibility depends on the ancestor being an Italian citizen at the time of its formation and unification in 1861. If they had been naturalized in another country, it should have happened only after the next person in line was born.

Follow exceptions

Applying through a female ancestor can put you in an exceptional category. A woman could not pass on her citizenship rights to her offspring in Italy before 1948. It means you cannot apply through the conventional Jure Sanguinis process if your ancestor gave birth before 1948. But you need not give up hope because you can claim through the 1948 Rule, which involves a court process. 

Seek assistance from a citizenship expert

This one is a no-brainer because a professional can help you in more than one way to speed up the citizenship process. They can guide you about the steps, from ensuring your eligibility to completing the paperwork and applying at your local Italian embassy. You have experts overseeing the entire journey, making you more confident about completing it at the earliest. 

Ensure error-free documents

Expediting the Jure Sanguinis process is also about having error-free documents. Incomplete and inaccurate paperwork can lead to delays and even rejection. Make sure you complete your documents before your appointment. You will need them from your ancestor’s comune in Italy, which can be a daunting task. The non-Italian documents have to be translated and apostilled. Either way, a citizenship expert can help you complete the checklist and ensure no errors and omissions.

Apply from within Italy

The good thing about Jure Sanguinis is that you can apply from within your country of residence. But the process can take several months or even a year as consulates are pressed for time. The long wait can make you impatient. But there is a way to resolve the challenge. You can consider moving to Italy as a resident and applying from within the country. The process will be done within a fraction of time.

Speeding up your Jure Sanguinis journey is easy, provided you take the right steps and follow these tips. Most importantly, having an expert guiding you through the process gives you a head start.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates