Out of the Mouths of Babes…. Or Should I Say Charlie?? Now, you may be asking what I mean by that and I will explain Lucy!!! You see my father has blessed us with a down payment on a home for Charlie. We can get out of the Trailer or we can use the money he has BLESSED us with to pay a down payment on the only home Charlie says he ever wants to live in. Although at the moment we are renting the trailer.
Charlie has stated he doesn’t want to move from here because he likes being close to his friends and his grandparents. As well as having the school at the end of out street. Without a car there is things Charlie and I can do as we have two parks we can walk to. Along with a Kids Club hosted by a local Church in the park. If we wanted to we could walk to some local stores and restaurants. If we move we might not be able to do that.
There are so many things inside the trailer that needs fixed that the other day David and I was talking about going and looking at houses in the area. When Charlie pops off and says “just call the “PROPERTY BROTHERS“!! LOL They can fix my home and I wouldn’t have to move. Which I agree with Charlie I just don’t think we could get PROPERTY BROTHERS to come here to help us out.
As you can see you know now my secret as I am hooked on all the House Shows that come on television. I have been watching all they do to fix other people’s homes there working on so when income tax comes in I can work on our home. Although I could never do as good a job as they do I might be able to make our trailer more liveable.
The problem with that is if I spend the money on this house and our Landlord Tommy decides he wants the trailer back or Tommy decides to sell the Trailer one day we would be asked to move and not have a home because my dad has refused to let us use the money he is giving us on this trailer because he doesn’t trust Tommy and my dad has every right to feel this way.
Although we are throwing money down the drain every month when we pay rent. Or every time we spend money fixing things in this home it’s not an investment in our Future. Tommy doesn’t take it off the rent and he says he will not fix anything it is all up to us. So I have gotten to the point I don’t want to do anything here.
As much as I would like to be able to pick up the phone and call Property Brothers I think I will wait until we find a new home and then call them. Not that I think the Property Brothers would come and help me. I can dream can’t I? How about the Love or List It Team? Or Johanna and Chip Gaines? A girl can dream can’t she??
Thank you for reading “Out of the Mouths of Babes….” Now what is the most unusual thing your child has ever said that goes back to something you have watched on TV? How did you handle it?
About the Show

Drew Scott

Jonathan Scott
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates