Welcome to Sunday and a new month. November has arrived bringing us a new month. I can’t wait to see where we all are at the end of the month.
Monday is my Birthday and in two weeks is the day the Lord called my daughter home. I sure miss her and wish I could speak to her just one more time.

I’m ready to begin planning my Thanksgiving meal and to invite our friends and family over to spend time together. Halloween came and went and for the first time in 11 years we didn’t go Trick or Treating as Charlie has declared he is to old.
I can’t believe in a month I will have a 12 year old. This week my dad is undergoing a surgery on his neck. If you would please Pray it all goes well. Also, pray we are able to go visit my father soon as I miss him so much and one day he will not be here just like my mother.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates