Motivational Quote Sunday

The Mommies Reviews

It’s time for me to share a Motivational Quote as its Sunday. As I sit here and look at my walking meter saying no, steps. I look outside and its beginning to rain. I just shake my head and in my best mom voice I remind myself I a failed again.

Life throws us LEMONS and no, I don’t want to make Lemonade because I hate it. I’ll have a Whiskey and Coke please… This morning should be Motivational Sunday a.

With Covid-19 happening I couldn’t decided on a quote to share with everyone. Because we all know we need to BREATHE and to PRAY as its in the LORDS hands.

With David’s hours being changed again and C home all day keeping the house clean is hard. Then the other day David asked me why it wasn’t and here is what I told David.

Do you ever feel like that?

In fact at times the kids playing outside of our home have packed up and moved on because they can hear me. I don’t just threaten my child I get on them as well. I am bad….

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates