Today is Mother’s Day and with Covid-19 happening were all supposed to stay inside even though they have begun to open things back up. It’s hard to get out and do the things we used to do.
Including spending time with Lily and Jason. Being MOTHER”S Day and with Suzzie’s Birthday being the 8th and my sister’s Birthday on the 4th not being able to spend time with our family was hard.
Charlie and David did take me out to Traders Village and to dinner. I still missed seeing Lily and Jason. What hurts the most is I take the time to drop little gifts off to them to remind them they’re loved.
They can’t even call me on Suzzie’s Birthday or Mother’s Day to check on Charlie and I. In fact they don’t even think about dropping a card in the mail for Charlie.

I’m telling you I’m getting to the point where I don’t even want any family. All I need is Charlie and my friends who check on us and bring Gifts to us.
I wish you the best and a Happy Mother’s Day and a wonderful May with lots of new adventures and BLESSINGS. If you feel like I do leave me a comment and let me know why.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates