More Than a Mom: How Prioritizing Your Wellness Helps You (and Your Family)

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for More Than a Mom: How Prioritizing Your Wellness Helps You (and Your Family) coming out on  (Thomas Nelson, April 5, 2022). I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

More Than a Mom: How Prioritizing Your Wellness Helps You (and Your Family) Thrive by [Kari Kampakis]

This week has been a week from H E L L and I hate cussing more than life itsself but this is the only way I can describe this week when our home was sold right out from us. With work, packing, Homeschooling and running a business I can sww why moms put themselves last and need a more tangible reason for the “self-care” so many talk about;

Especially now as we are two years into a Pandemic and navigating that extra level of stress. Not only had gas for our cars gone up homes have tripled in the past two years and trying to find one is almost impossible. I am stressed beyond belief my Blood Pressure is through the roof and I see no, end in sight.

I’ve placed everything into the LORDS hands because I know he will not give us more than we can handle, and I can tell you something has to end soon or I am going to have a nervous breakdown as my depression keeps rising and rising. Last night both David and Charlie made me go sit down and not do anything else when my knee began to give out on me while unloading the Storage Building

Once we got home David and Charlie had me go take a bath and soak my knee. Charlie was kind enough to run my bath water and sit a glass of Tea on the side of the tub with More than a Mom. Charlie gave me explicit instructions to not get out of the tub for at least 30 minutes.

I sunk down into the Lavender Scented Bubble Bath and opened up More than a Mom  and before I knew it I had read the first 3 chapters and the bath water was Ice Cold and I didn’t want to get out because I wanted to finish the book but I knew dinner was waiting.

I got dressed and made myself watch a movie with David which he had been wanting me to do. Then went and watched Charlie play his game for a bit and even though I was still stressed through More than a Mom I learned I needed to take time for myself, and the world wouldn’t end, and people can fend for themselves.

More than a Mom reminds readers that mothers are humans too, and require love, compassion, rest, and renewal to fully show up for their family. Taking care of our basic needs actually strengthens us and equips us to parent better in the long run – and sometimes we just need an extra reminder of that!

If you’re a mom don’t forget to remind not only yourself but your friends and family that not only, are you a mom but a human and you can’t always be there for everyone. There is times you need time just for yourself and our friends and family need to respect that and we need to give them time for themselves as well.


What if taking care of yourself was the first step to helping your family thrive?

If you’ve parented long enough, then you’ve learned firsthand why your personal wellness matters. You’ve felt the pain (or consequences) of devaluing yourself. Whether your wake-up call came from a diagnosis, a breakdown, an issue with your child or spouse, anxiety, or simply feeling depleted and numb, it most likely unveiled this truth: 

Mothers are humans too. We require love, compassion, rest, and renewal. Taking care of our needs strengthens us and equips us for the road ahead. 

In More Than a Mom, bestselling author Kari Kampakis offers a practical, approachable, and attainable framework to stay on a healthy path. You can take your kids only as far as you’ve come–and since their strength builds on your strength, you must take time to focus on you. More Than a Mom is about unleashing God’s power in your life and standing on timeless truths that will help you

  • know your worth and embrace your purpose,
  • build strong, uplifting friendships that you can model for your children,
  • quit the negative self-talk and make peace with your body, and
  • learn to mother yourself by resting and setting boundaries.

The world shaping your children is more callous and complex than the world that shaped you. Kids need to be stronger, smarter, and more rooted in what’s real. Empower your son or daughter by tending to your heart, soul, body, and mind. Give them a vision of a healthy adult–and know that as they launch into the real world, they will build on what you started.

About Kari Kampakis

Kari Kampakis


Kari Kampakis is a mom of four daughters who writes about everyday events and significant moments that reveal God’s movement in our lives. Her work has been featured on The TODAY Show, TODAY Parents, Focus on the Family, EWTN, Bethany Hamilton’s Mother/Daughter Experience, Yahoo! News, Grown & Flown, Thrive Global, For Every Mom, Love What Matters,, and other national outlets.

Kari’s bestselling books – LOVE HER WELL, 10 ULTIMATE TRUTHS GIRLS SHOULD KNOW and LIKED: WHOSE APPROVAL ARE YOU LIVING FOR? – have been used widely across the U.S. for small group studies. Learn more by visiting or finding Kari on the Girl Mom Podcast.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates