I wanted to share a new book for Music Lovers with you Moments In Time 2.0: Stories About Artists And Songs Of The 60s, 70s, And 80s. For Fans Of Music … From A Music Fan by Tom Locke. I received a copy of the book in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the products you purchase.

I’ve always loved music and learning about music has been intriguing to me all of my life. I even collect books about Music and the Artists that perform the music. When Charlie was #Homeschooling we enjoyed learning and listening to new music and visiting Record Stores.
With Valentines Day right around the corner I can’t wait to give Moments In Time 2.0 to Charlie because he loves learning facts and sharing them with his friends. I like how the Author has broken the book down into chapters like Bobby and learning how many there were.
I love how the Author has included a QR code linking us to the songs he mentions in the book I can listen to with Charlie and David. There was songs and musicians Charlie hadn’t heard of turning the book into #teachingmoments.
I like how at the end of the book the Author included a index by song so if there is a song Charlie, David or I have a question about we can see if it’s listed in the book. As well as a Index By Artist so I can look pp musicians I want to know more about.
About the book:

The sequel to the critically acclaimed and multi-award winning book Moments In Time, Moments In Time 2.0 will put a smile on your face as author Tom Locke explores Rock & Roll’s journey from the clipping of its wings in the early 60s through the sprouting and development of sub-genres in the 70s to the synthesizing of music compositions in the 80s.
Like Tom’s first book, all the stories are two pages in length with the first page acting as a teaser, providing readers with just enough information to pique their interest so that they will try and figure out which artist or what song is being featured. Page two is the reveal of the mystery, culminating with the inclusion of a link to the referenced song via a QR code.
How many artists with the first name of “Bobby” were we introduced to in the 60s? Who discovered the Jackson 5? How did a street sign become the inspiration for a #1 Country hit by the Oak Ridge Boys? What do the Supremes, Vanilla Fudge, and Kim Wilde have in common?
“Tom has done it again with his latest endeavor, Moments In Time 2.0. We in radio would call it Solid Gold!” – Alex Ward, Pink & Black Days, SiriusXM Radio, Memphis, TN
Tom Locke lives with his wife, Cindy, in Vancouver, B.C., spending the majority of his time writing and executive producing in the entertainment industry. Over the past twenty-five years, Tom has also studied and consulted on the impact of digital technology in business. It was during this period of time that he introduced the online world to his music creation, “Moments In Time.”
His passion for music and the encouragement from family, friends, and entertainment industry colleagues resulted in the writing of this Moments In Time sequel. Looking back on his Moments In Time brand, Tom realizes he was destined. The #1 pop song on the day he was born was “Music! Music! Music!” by Teresa Brewer.
You can reach Tom by email at tomlocke@MITstories.com
Meet the Author: Tom Locke Executive Producer / Creator
Born and raised in Toronto (Canada), Tom moved to Vancouver (Canada) in 1984 and began working in the film and entertainment industry. His timing was impeccable in that he had the opportunity to work alongside like-minded individuals who played an integral role in creating a billion dollar+ industry for British Columbia.
In 1995, Tom co-founded Rainmaker Digital Pictures Corporation (“Rainmaker”). Prior to this, he was President & CEO of Gastown Post & Transfer, Western Canada’s largest independent post-production facility. Gastown, which evolved into Rainmaker, provided a complete range of digital post-production services for national and international film, television, and video producers.
Some of the TV projects Tom and his team post-produced include ’21 Jump Street,’ ‘The X-Files,’ and ‘Millennium.’ On the feature film side of the business, Tom had the pleasure of providing services for the movie ‘Legends Of The Fall’ (Brad Pitt), which won an Academy Award for best cinematography (John Toll) in 1995.
Over the past 25 years, Tom has also studied and consulted on the impact of digital technology in business. During that period of time, he introduced the online world to his music creation, “Moments In Time,” a curated walk down memory lane. Initially debuting in August 2000, this five-minute feature, written in a style similar to that of the legendary Paul Harvey’s ‘The Rest Of The Story,’ continues to air weekly on the web via ‘Treasure Island Oldies.’ A selection of these stories about artists and songs from the 50s, 60s, and 70s came out in paperback and e-book formats in the fall of 2021.
In February 2024 “Moments In Time” received its 5th award when it was selected as a Book Excellence Award Winner in the Music Category. Out of thousands of books that were entered into the 2024 Book Excellence Awards competition, I am honored that my book was selected for its high quality writing, design and overall market appeal.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates