MitoQ: The Advanced CoQ10 Option for Health

The Mommies Reviews

MitoQ: The Advanced CoQ10 Option for Health

    For years there has been one option for taking CoQ10. The traditional CoQ10 can be beneficial, but it has some limitations. But, when you have an option that has been on the market for a long time it is easy to fail to ask questions. However, after tons of research there has been a large improvement of the function of CoQ10. MitoQ is a new advanced CoQ10 option for health. MitoQ overcame the obstacles that faced CoQ10 mainly centered on the absorption of CoQ10 into the body. MitoQ has even more amazing benefits than traditional CoQ10 and it has been proven by years of research. 

How it is absorbed

    Cells are very specific with what it allows in or out. This makes it difficult for vitamins and supplements to enter if they are not the correct form. Traditional CoQ10 is fat soluble which makes it difficult to be absorbed by the body. Because it is fat soluble it is absorbed slowly and in small quantities. MitoQ has transformed itself to be water soluble. This means that it is more easily absorbed and taken up readily by the cells. This change in absorption is one of the major reasons that MitoQ is more effective than traditional CoQ10. MitoQ can be absorbed quicker and more easily. 

Flexible Intake

    Because of traditional CoQ10’s fat solubility in order for it to be absorbed it must be ingested with food for maximum absorption. Food acts as a transporter to get the food into the cells in the digestive tract. However, this can be very inconvenient if you forget to take your supplement with your meal. MitoQ solves this issue with being water soluble. This means it can be taken with or without food and it will be absorbed the same. Because you do not have to take it with food, you have much more flexibility in your day in regard to when you take your supplements. If you have an irregular schedule or tend to forget when to take medication MitoQ can save you the headache that other supplements can bring. 

Take Less Get More

    Traditional CoQ10 supplements are difficult to be digested, which means to up the chance of digestion you must take a much higher dosage. Even when taking more CoQ10 only a very small amount is taken in by your body or cells. MitoQ is digested more easily and absorbed by your cells very easily. Because of this the dosage of MitoQ is much smaller. By having to take a smaller dosage, but still getting maximum benefits you are saving a considerable amount of money. If you are purchasing less of the supplement and having to take less and waste less you have a potential for a lot of savings. Overall, with MitoQ you can take less and get more. 

Takes an Active Role

  When taking a supplement, you want it to be working deep within your body to make a true difference. MitoQ is special because it works deep in the cells to maximize its effects and benefits. MitoQ specifically targets the mitochondria of the cell where CoQ10 plays an active role. MitoQ can do so because it has a positive charge as opposed to traditional CoQ10. This positive charge is helpful because the mitochondria is negatively charged. The opposite charges allow them to be attracted to each other. By being in the mitochondria it can also protect against free radicals that can cause damage. Most of the free radicals in the body are found in the mitochondria. This is an issue because free radicals cause damage to the cells that can lead to disease or mal function of the cells. Because MitoQ is an antioxidant it neutralizes the free radicals in the mitochondria and protects the cells in ways that traditional CoQ10 cannot. 

MitoQ became the most advanced CoQ10 supplement on the market. After years of research MitoQ has reached the market to improve the game of CoQ10 supplements. CoQ10 antioxidant to support healthy energy levels, mental focus and overall wellbeing is essential for each of us.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates