Mistakes to Avoid When Moving Out of State

Mistakes to Avoid When Moving Out of State

Moving out of state is a big decision and the last thing you want during this transition time is to make costly mistakes. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes made by people moving out of state and how to avoid them!

Mistake 01: Not Researching the Moving Company

There are plenty of moving companies to choose from when relocating out of state. However, one common mistake which people commit is not researching enough about the moving company. Consider the following:

  • Does this company have a good reputation? 
  • What is their customer service like? 
  • How much are they charging for your move?

Some moving companies offer packages with different prices and services. If you want to know more about these, get in contact with them! A reputable mover will be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you might have about their business. This way, if you choose to work with them after researching, there won’t be any surprises on either end, leading to disappointment later on. It also helps when comparing quotes from multiple companies so that you can find the best deal possible. Once again, though– don’t forget to research each company thoroughly before committing!

Always contact multiple companies to receive the best rate possible

  • Is price your only consideration? 

No, not always! You should also consider how long they have been in business and what kind of reputation they have.

It is also essential to check a list of best out of state moving companies reviews. This will give you a good indication of how their services are and what to expect.

Moving companies, like all businesses, vary in price and quality. Therefore, you must do your research to find the best company for your needs!

Mistake 02: Moving Without A Checklist

Another big mistake when moving out of state is not to prepare a moving checklist. A moving checklist will help you to organize your moving process and avoid misplacing important items.

  • What should be on the checklist?

You might have many different things you will need to do when preparing for an out of state move. The list can include packing, sorting, labeling boxes, or even deciding what furniture is being shipped with them. There are plenty of other crucial tasks worth including in the checklist as well!

To get everything done on time, it’s best to research beforehand where all the local stores are so that there won’t be any delays later during your move. It also makes sense to contact utility companies before leaving about disconnection dates and rental property managers before renting properties, etc.

  • Why create a moving checklist?

A moving checklist is a great way to make sure you don’t forget anything when it comes time for your move. It also reduces the stress that goes along with an out of state relocation because all bases should be covered and accounted for before undertaking such a big project.

Mistake 03: Buying Brand New Boxes and Not Labelling Them

One of the mistakes to avoid when relocating out of state is to spend on buying new cardboard boxes when you can get used boxes for cheap or even free. Of course, if you are using the boxes multiple times, then it is worth buying new ones, but if not, be frugal and reuse old ones instead of wasting money on something that will only be used once or twice.

You can get free boxes at the grocery store, coffee shop, or even in magazines.

Also, make sure to label all boxes with a marker and packing tape to know what is inside them without opening each box individually. This will save time when unpacking your things too!

Mistake 04: Not Packing Important Documents Properly

Another mistake when relocating out of state is not properly packing important documents like car titles, social security cards, and birth certificates. You should put these papers into a separate envelope and seal them off before putting them in the moving truck because there are chances that they can get lost during transit. In addition, all documents should be labeled on their front page with which drawer they need to go in once you arrive at your new location.

Mistake 05: Forgetting to Pack a Moving Essentials Bag

It will be a long road trip, and it is important to pack the moving essentials bag for the trip. In addition, it would help if you had a bag with your toiletries, clothes, and anything else you need during this long haul.

Mistake 06: Forgetting About The Insurance

Another mistake some people make when moving out of state is to neglect to purchase adequate insurance for their items. You should purchase insurance for any of your belongings that are worth more than $100.


 If you’re planning a move to another state, then this article is for you. We’ve detailed the mistakes that people often make when moving out of state and provided some helpful tips on avoiding these common pitfalls to have an easier time transitioning into your new home. These are just a few suggestions, but if there’s something else specific, we can help with, please let us know! Have any other questions about what it will be like living in a new city? Comment below or chat live right now through our website so one of our agents can answer them for you.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates