It’s been forever since Charlie has seen Aiden or Kayden. Now, that we are in Isolation due to Coronavirous we haven’t spoken to them. I know Kerry is off because she is a teacher.

I don’t know if Tammy is working or not or if her job is Essential. Which I would think it is because she works for a Plumbing Company answering the phone and dispatching calls.
I am blessed because before this happened David and I bought a stove. I can’t wait until this is over because I want to host a Block Party and invite our friends and family over to Appitizers and drinks.
What would you like to do when the Lockdown is over and why? How is your family handling being inside and not being able to go anywhere and why?
Charlie and I are handling it pretty good so far. We do get outside and walk everyday and Charlie and his friend ride there bikes. Thank the Lord David is still working for now.
I don’t know what the future will bring but I know the Lord will protect us and bring us through as long as we believe in the Lord and don’t give up. Which I refusew to do because I want to be here for Charlie when he grows up.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates