My anxiety is out of the roof this morning and even though I don’t want to admit it its bothering Charlie. Were having to do something this morning I never thought I would have to do.

Charlie is so worried and stressed out he didn’t go to bed at all last night and just passed out this morning. Now, I have to wake him up and get him into the car.
I was looking around the house this morning to find something to bring with me to help comfort Charlie besides reminding Charlie we are stopping at his favorite restaurant.
My eyes landed on the box with my Elephant from Mindful Buddiez. As much as I wanted to keep Omi for myself I knew Charlie needed him more than I did.
I hide Omi up into the back window of the car until we got out on the road. When we got to the freeway I could see Charlie wiggling around. I asked him to look in the back window and see if my Sunglasses was there.
He touched Omi and let out a squeal and said mom there is something in the window. I asked Charlie to show me what it was. As soon as he saw Omi he said look what I found.
Then Charlie’ says mom is this your Elephant and I said no, I got Omi for you. Then I showed Charlie Mindful Buddiez website and discussed why I wanted to give Charlie Omi.
Charlie was so excited and laid down in the back seat with Omi in front of him and feel asleep. I wish I had brought him out last night. When Charlie woke up he asked me if he could purchase me my very own Omi so the next time I get upset I can pick him up and cuddle with Omi making me feel better as well.
Mom melt and I was crying happy tears because I knew during this time of uncertainty and dealing with Covid-19 and my father’s estate I was able to give my son a piece of mind in a uncertain time just by sharing Omi with him.

Mindful Buddiez is a first of its kind and addressing kid mindfulness – truly such an important topic right now. [Pssst.. Mattel just launched Meditation Barbie.]
Created by a medical expert in Neurology and a mother of 2, Mindful Buddiez, is the first and only self-guided, interactive collection of stuffed animals that introduces mindfulness to kids.
The PANDEMIC and social/current events has catapulted the “Kid Wellness” movement. We are raising awareness on the importance of kid mindfulness especially as parental burnout is on the rise and an increase in anxiety diagnoses continues in U.S. children.
Omi the Elephant is inspired by the yogi’s “OM” and introduces a child the first and most important practice in mindfulness: awareness of the breathe. Eliminating the use of technology, Omi serves as a friendly and cuddly reminder to STOP, BREATHE and RESET.
HOW OMI WORKS: Simply place Omi on your belly as he guides you through a short mindful breathing exercise. Awareness of the breath is the most BASIC and valuable mindfulness technique. The child should feel the belly rise during the IN breath and fall during the exhale.
WHY OMI WORKS: With Omi’s help, a child learns the first and most important practice in mindfulness. With this fundamental teaching, a child is taught how to identify their emotions, take a moment to become calm and then process their thoughts. Most important, they are taught to develop a positive mindset through their practice.
The Mindful Buddiez goal is to teach kids independence with coping and resolution skills.WHY PARENTS LOVE OMI: With Omi, there is no technology needed to engage children in self-calming and self-soothing mindfulness resets.
Omi’s settings are created to deliver bite-sized mindfulness practices allowing a child to build upon this life skill to problem solve and even manage stress and anxiety.
PRICE/AVAILABILITY: Omi, The Elephant is $34.99-$39.99 and available at and will sold on Amazon mid-July.
Thank you,
Glenfda, Charlie and David Cates