Microsoft 98-364 Exam Profile: Details, Types of Questions, Topics, Practice Tests for Preparation

The Mommies Reviews

Nowadays, we have a lot of possibilities because of the technology evolution. You can gain any skills and get any opportunities that the world gives you. Thus, you can alsoobtain the ITcertificates and badges from various companies to boost your career path up. In this article, we will pay attention to the MTA credential that isofferedby Microsoft, one of the main certification vendors in the IT industry. And we will cover the 98-364 exam in more detail.

Microsoft 98-364: exam details

In this section, we will explore the most important details of the Microsoft 98-364exam that the candidates should know. But, first of all, we need to mention that this test is of the Fundamental level. This means that to get the associated credential, you only need to pass this one. This is how the type works: you earn one certificate for each successfully completed exam. There are 12 of them at the moment, so in theory, you can get 12 badges if you want.

Microsoft 98-364 comprises of about 40-50 questions. This information is based on the past versions because the company doesn’t publish or provide the details on its official website. You need to be prepared that the number of questions may change at any time without prior notice. But generally, it never goes below 30 or above 60. The format is multiple-choice questions. There could also be case studies and drag and drop.You won’t be penalized for providing incorrect answers. So, you can go ahead and guess them when you are not sure. The exam is scheduled to be completed within 1 hour.The passing score is 700. It does not necessarily mean that you must correctly answer 70% of all the questions to geta pass. This is because they vary in weight and some contain more marks than others. Besides, the actual percentage usually differs from one test to another. So, it also could be more or less than 70%.

Microsoft 98-364: exam topics and subtopics

The objectives are basically broken up into at least 17 subtopics, which have been grouped into 5 different categories.

  1. Creating Database Objects – 20-25%
  • Choosing database types: Thissubcategory includes a deep understanding of what data types are, how they usually affect storage requirements, and why they are important.
  • Understanding tables as well as the ways of creating them: It covers the purpose of tables and using proper Click Here to create tables in the database.
  • Creating views: This area generally includes the understanding of how to use a graphical designer or T-SQL to create a view and when to use it.
  • Creating stored procedures and functions: The objective includes selecting, updating, inserting, and deletingdata.
  1. Understanding Core Database Concepts – 20-25%
  • Understanding how data is stored in tables: Generally, this topic may include the understanding of what exactly a table is and also how it relates to data, which will be stored particularly in the database, rows/records, fields/columns.
  • Understanding relational database concepts: In this part, you will basically learn how relations are established, the need for RDBMS (relational database management systems), and understanding the relational database.
  • Understanding DDL: Typically, it includes how T-SQL may be used in creating views and tables among other database objects.
  • Understanding DML: Here, you will need to have the understanding of DML and its role, especially in the databases.
  1. Manipulating Data – 25-30%
  • Inserting data: This subcategory includesthe understanding of how to useINSERT statements and how data is inserted.
  • Selecting data: All in all, it is the topic about the usage of SELECT queries in extracting data from one table, using joins to extract data and the ways of using NTERSECT and UNION to combine result sets.
  • Updating data: MS-202 VCE objective includes the understanding of data update, the usage of appropriate UPDATE to writeit to a database, as well as the usage of a table in the process.
  • Deleting data: In this part, you may run into evaluating of your understanding of the removal of data from a multiple or single table and using transactions to ensure data and referential integrity.
  1. Understanding Data Storage – 15-20%
  • Understanding normalization: It includes the understanding of the top 5 common levels of normalization, normalization of database effectively to third normal party, and understanding the reason behind normalization.
  • Understanding foreign, primary,composite keys: Here, you need to know the reason and function of keys in the database. Also, selecting the right primary keys, choosing proper data type for keys, url understanding the relationship betweenprimary and foreign keys, and choosing appropriate fields for the composite ones.
  • Understanding indexes: This objective includes understanding both clustered and non-clustered indexes aswell as their function in the database.
  1. Administering a Database – 10-15%
  • Understanding concepts of database security: Thissubtopic mainly includes the importance of securing a database, objects to be secured, what objects can actually be secured, user roles, and accounts.
  • Understanding database restores backups as well as restore: It includes the understanding of different types of backups, including incremental and full, restoration of a database, and the need for backups.

Microsoft 70-364: exam registration and retaking option

The information on how to register, where to do it, and how to take Microsoft 98-364 is available on the official website. Like many other Microsoft exams, this certification testis administered download Pearson VUE.

If you take the 98-364 exam but don’t score the passing mark, you will be given 24 hours until the next attempt will be available. But if you fail to get the desired result during your second time, the retake policy dictates that you should wait for a minimum of 14 days before you can take the test again for the third time. After 5 unsuccessful attempts, you will be able to try again after only 12 months. That is why you need to ace the exam topics during your preparation phase to avoid retake.

ConclusionWhen you are ready to study for your click Microsoft 98-364 certification exam, the best place to start is Prepaway. On this platform, you can get everything from information about the testto the verified and updated study materials, such practice tests,video tutorials, braindumps, and so on. So, just visit Prepaway,and you will succeed.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates