Michelle’s Garden: How the First Lady Planted Seeds of Change By Sharee Miller

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to share a new children’s book with you Michelle’s Garden: How the First Lady Planted Seeds of Change by Sharee Miller (Author) I received in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and you make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchased.

I wish you could see how much fun the kids are having planting a Garden. Look at the smile on the Ladies family. Charlie thought it was fun that the book featured Michelle Obama the Ex-Presidents wife. Charlie enjoyed seeing her riding a bike with her brother.

Seeing the family enjoy dinner together was a BLESSING and its what I enjoy doing with my family. We learn she has two daughters Malia and Sasha. Aren’t those pretty names? We see how they stay active as a family.

Then she becomes the First Lady of the Untied States. She decides to plant a kitchen garden and it would be the biggest garden ever at the White House. This would feed everyone in the White House and leave food to share.

Michelle looks for help with the garden because she didn’t know how to start which teaches us that its okay to ask for help. She got the Chefs and gardeners to help her from the White House. She also invited local students to help her as well.

I love how the Author included a list of tools any gardener would need inside or outside. They picked out a Sunny spot on the lawn to plant the Garden. They didn’t rush Nature they just waited for things to grow which we all need to do.

Charlie and I enjoyed seeing President Obama pitch in and help with the garden. Finally it was Harvest Day and the food was ready to pick. Now everyone had lots of healthy food to eat. I hope you take the time to check out Michelle’s Garden: How the First Lady Planted Seeds of Change and that you share it with friends and family.

About the book:

From an acclaimed author and illustrator: Enjoy this tribute to Former First Lady Michelle Obama and her contributions to building the healthy future that America’s children deserve.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama had an idea. A big, inspiring, and exciting idea! She would grow the largest kitchen garden ever at the White House. This wouldn’t be easy, since she’d never gardened before: Where should she start? What tools did she need? What would she plant?

Everyone needs help when they’re learning something for the first time, even the first lady of the United States. So she gathered the help of local students, the White House staff, and even President Barack Obama. Together, they wouldn’t just grow a garden—they would inspire a nation!

About: Sharee Miller

Sharee grew up in St. Thomas where she was inspired by the bright colors and sunshine of the Caribbean. She is known for her fresh and cheerful characters. Sharee loves creating picture books, graphic novels, and illustrations that depict black joy. She graduated from Pratt Institute in 2012 with a BFA in Illustration.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates