This is a review for MibeTec’s Bite Away. I was sent a sample to review Bite Away. The thoughts in the review are mine and my family’s — no one else’s.
Let me tell you Summer has arrived in Texas. If you were to ask me how I knew this I would say step outside your door and the Mosquito’s will tell you.

The funny thing is I always thought Mosquito came out at night because I didn’t remember them during the day. This year that isn’t the case Charlie and I can go out around 4 pm to walk and we end up being eaten alive.
I’m so glad we have Bite Away because when Charlie gets bitten, he doesn’t like putting medicine on the bites and will scratch until they turn into sores.
Now, when we go walking I make sure and not only spray ourselves with Off but, I bring along Bite Away. If we stay in the park we can use Bite Away if we are bitten.

Let me tell you my family is now the coolest family on the blog and all the parents want to use Bite Away not only with there children but them selves. David finally told them all that they needed to order Bite Away for themselves because we needed ours for ourselves.
The funny part of that is I went to look for mine Bite Away the other day and couldn’t find Bite Away. I called David at work to ask if he had seen Bite Away because Charlie wanted to go walking.

At first David said no, then he said I can’not tell. I brought Bite Away with me to use. Which was fine but now, and tell’s me I need to invest in a couple more units so we will always have Bite Away on hand when were outside.
If your children are playing Sports this year make sure to keep Bite Away in there Sports Bags. Or if they go to Camp send Bite Away with them. Even to there friends to spend the night because Mosquito’s strike everywhere.

From the first application, Bite Away® can provide relief from the itching, pain and swelling caused by insect bites and stings and yes, they do work and no, they do not hurt which is what Charlie asked me.
Bite Away is simple & convenient. The ceramic contact surface of Bite Away® is placed on the bite or sting until a temperature of around 124°F is reached and is maintained for the selected time. Your skin is soothed gently and easily without any harsh chemicals.
- Symptomatic treatment: the bite is an electronic device for external treatment without chemicals for insect bites such as mosquitoes, wasps and bees.
Quick and Effective: Within 3-5 seconds from the first application, the bite provides relief from itching, pain, and swelling caused by insect bites and stings. Multiple applications for battery life with our bite device.
FDA cleared and dermatologically tested: FDA and dermatologist tested device, safe and effective for ages 2+. Free of chemicals, it works only by applying concentrated heat. A great addition to everyone’s medicine cabinet.
Safe for ages 2+: The bite has a smooth contact surface that is made of ceramic. Ideal for pregnant women, children *, and allergy sufferers. * Self-application from 12 years old.
Simple and easy to use: pressing one of the two buttons once (3 seconds for initial treatment and for more sensitive skin / 5 seconds for regular application) reaches a temperature of around 124 ° F and is maintained for the selected time, providing relief from itching and swelling in seconds.
Thnk you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates