Mezcla Plant Based Bars

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for Mezcla Plant Based Bars in the following flavors Peruvian Cocoa Peanut Butter, Japanese Matcha Vanilla and Mexican Chipotle Hot Chocolate I recieved to try out in exchange for this review.

I always eat Peanut Butter and Crackers we purchase at the store for my morning snack. Or a Fold-Over Peanut Butter Sandwich in the evening because of the protein the Peanut Butter has in it.

Not anymore now that I have had the opportunity to try out Peruvian Cocoa Peanut Butter it’s become my breakfast or Mid-Morning Snack. I can keep them on my desk.

I like the taste of Peruvian Cocoa Peanut Butter and the Peanut Butter and Cocoa isn’t overpowering. I also like that Peruvian Cocoa Peanut Butter only take one bar to fill you up.

The second flavor we tried was Japanese Matcha Vanilla. I wasn’t sure that I would enjoy this flavor but I did and the Vanilla went well with a glass of Milk.

See the source image

I even let my sister try out Japanese Matcha Vanilla and she couldn’t wait to order this flavor for her lunches and also for my niece and nephew as a quick Healthy Snack.

The third flavor we received was Mexican Chipotle Hot Chocolate. I didn’t try this bar even though it had Hot Chocolate in it which I love. Because it said Chipotle which I can’t have because its hot and I am not supposed to have things that are Spicy.

What surprised me was Charlie tried Mexican Chipotle Hot Chocolate and both Charlie and David said this one was there favorite bar and they can’t wait for me to order more of these for there lunches.

Mezcla a new, NYC-based consumer lifestyle brand which is on a mission to get two things into your hands: a delicious plant-based protein bar and an interactive digital gallery of user-submitted art celebrating global diversity. 

If your looking for new and unique Snacks for your family then I would like to let you know Mezcla has raised over $30,000 on Kickstarter so far, and have launched in 625 Walmart stores on July 11th (already selling out in 43 of them!). 

After letting David and Charlie try Mezcla I will be scouring our local Walmart’s for these bars as Charlie and David have asked for them for there lunches.

If you would like to try Mezcla out then you should visit the website where you can try the bars for free. Yes, you did here me right I said free. The offer is good for one FREE (One Per Customer Only)

Just cover $4.95 shipping

Then 2 weeks after your trial, you will be enrolled to receive 1 box (8-pack) of bars monthly. Don’t worry, 3 days before it ships we’ll send you a text reminder and you can cancel, pause or change up your flavor at any moment–no commitments, ever.

When you place your order for the free bars they will send you Japanese Matcha Vanilla, Peruvian Cocoa Peanut Butter, and Mexican Chipotle Hot Chocolate bars.