I would like to introduce you to a new book Menace in the Mist published by Janet Wylie which I was sent to review.

I sat down this morning to work on our Homeschool Lessons this week and as I began working, I picked up my copy of Menace in the Mist and as I did, I could hear the Lord telling me to switch out Lesson Plans out and we should be studying Environmntal Hazards and how we can change things and why we should get involved.
As Charlie and I sat down to read through Menace in the Mist we discussed different things we could study and how we could help these causes. When we landed on oil Spills and how they affect the Animals. Allowing us to broaden our studies and open our lines of communication up.
There is a map in the book and Charlie, and I even studied Maps and we went on a Field Trip to the local Visitors Center to pick up more maps to study. Then Charlie and I came home and looked for some of the places mentioned in the book.
Charlie and I believe both Middle School History and Science teacher should keep a copy of Menace in the Mist in their classrooms to share with their students. Charlie and I can see Upper Elementary Students and adults reading this book and teachers using it to teach there’s students about things happening in our Country.
12-year-old Cally and her new stepcousin, Giles, must take on Big Oil and Gas as they search for the cause of a poisoned water supply in this environmental mystery set in a small Maine community.
A great mystery adventure for young environmentalists
Ages 9-12; $13.95Use code mm25 and get 25% off and free shipping HERE.

Janet Wylie is a retired professor of developmental biology, who had the joy of studying embryonic development for a living at the same time as helping her children grow up. Now she is a novice writer of fiction for middle school readers, buoyed by the help and enthusiasm of other writers, family and friends
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates