May is Physical Fitness Month!

The Mommies Reviews
Good morning, before I begin my day I wanted to share Homeschooling Resources with everyone. Did you know May is Physical Fitness Month!  Now, that you know it what are your plans for May?

I didn’t know May was Physical Fitness Month! If I had it would have been the perfect time to start my diet and to get out and walk each day. No, it isn’t to late to start. Be watching to see if I do get up and begin walking this morning.

It’s almost the middle of May! Which means the school year is coming to an end soon. I would like for us to focus on health science Units to prepare for Physical Fitness Month, National Nurses Day and World Asthma Day!

We’re also diving into some historical resources to learn about the beginning of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, Memorial Day, JFK’s Birthday, and the anniversary of the birth of the U.S. Constitution.

Have a great month!

Follow along throughout the month for teaching inspiration!

Encouraging your students to be active, especially in their formative years is, crucial to building healthy habits for life. In our health science units like The HeartLungs, and Muscles, kids will read about the science behind ExerciseThe Body’s Major Muscles, and Dos and Don’ts for Lungs.

Knowledge about how our bodies work will motivate kids to keep moving! On the Blog: Read about Laura Kujubu’s experience of beginning to include her kids in her newly established running routine! Read more…

May 1 – World Asthma Day

May 1st – World Asthma Day

World Asthma Day is an annual event organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) to improve asthma awareness and care around the world. Asthma is a disease that makes it hard for a person to breathe, and many things can trigger an attack, like allergies, a change in the weather, or physical exertion.
Related Topics: Lungs in TroubleHow Lungs WorkLung Capacity and Dos and Don’ts for Lungs.
Related Units: Lungs
Check out our Print Title Lungs 

May 6 – National Nurses Day

May 6th – National Nurses’ Day

For students with parents or relatives who are nurses, this week may be filled with celebratory dinners and flowers from patients and loved ones. Teach kids about the valuable work of this profession with resources from our Human Body Discover Map.
Related Topics: The History of the Fight Against GermsFighting Infectious Diseases in Our Time, and Questions and Answers About Blood
Related Units: BloodGermsMicrobesHeart
Check out our Print Title Germs

May 14 – Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804)

May 14th – Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition In 1804

May 14 marks the beginning of the Lewis and Clark Expedition which took place in 1804. Students will read about their encounters with Native Americans, grizzly attacks, and roaring rapids. Discover the bravery and teamwork that made their journey a classic tale of American exploration and adventure.
Related Topics: Preparing for the ExpeditionHighlights of the ExpeditionThe Lewis and Clark Expedition
Related Units: Lewis & ClarkSacagaweaExplorers
Games and Activities on Lewis and Clark
Check out our Print Title Lewis & Clark

May 18 – Endangered Species Day
May 18th – Endangered Species Day
The purpose of Endangered Species Day is to raise awareness about the national conservation efforts designed to protect endangered species and their habitats.
Free Mini-Unit: Endangered Species
Related Topics: Biodiversity and EvolutionThe Human Impact, and Preserving Habitats and Protecting Wildlife, and Ecologists to the Rescue(recently updated!)

May 25 – Anniversary of the Constitutional Convention (1787)

May 25th – Anniversary of the Constitutional Convention (1787

On May 25, 1787, delegates from seven states met in Philadelphia with the goal of revising the Articles of Confederation. Soon, delegates from five more states arrived. Through the long, hot summer, the delegates debated many issues. In the end, they changed history.
Related Topics: Constitutional Convention
Related Units: ConstitutionHow America Works
Games and Activities on the Constitution
Check out our Print Titles: ConstitutionHow America Works, and our American History Set

May 26 – Sally Ride’s Birthday 
May 26th – Sally Ride’s Birthday (The First American Woman in Space)

Sally Ride was the first American female to visit space. She was part of a mission called STS-7 where she controlled a robotic arm to send satellites into orbit.
Related Topics: Space Exploration in the Twentieth CenturyWould You Like to Be an Astronaut?, and Space Exploration Today

May 27 – Memorial Day

May 28th – Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day to remember everyone who has fought and died for the United States in our armed forces. Take a tour online through historic monuments of Washington D.C., including the Arlington National Cemetery, The Korean War Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and more.
Related Unit: Washington, D.C.
Related Topics: Monuments of Our CapitalThe History of Washington, D.C.
Check out our Print Title Washington D.C.

May 29 – John F. Kennedy’s Birthday

May 29th – John F. Kennedy’s Birthday

John F. Kennedy III, the 35th President of the United States, was born on this day in 1917. In his short time in office he established the Peace Corps, put the first man on the moon, and helped integrate black students into segregated college campuses.
Free Mini-Unit: John F. Kennedy
Related Unit: Mid-20th Century in the United States

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates