May 6th Is All-Pro Wrestling hosted By Lamont Williams. All-Pro Wrestling will be held at the American Legion Post #655. I must tell you I am surprised Charlie is sleeping as he is so excited.
This morning I would like to invite your friends and family out to the American Legion Post #655 to watch All-Pro Wrestling with my family. During this wrestling match you will watching Meltdown with Xavier Daniels VS. Damien Alexander. Along with other wrestling matches.
This is Charlie’s first Wrestling match so if I was to confess I would have to tell you I am just as excited as Charlie is. As I want to see Charlie have some fun for a change and to smile. Which he hasn’t been doing enough of lately and as a mom that makes me very sad.
The doors at the American Legion Post #655 will open at 4:30 pm. There will be hot dogs and snacks for sale. It is a family friendly event and if all goes well we may be hosting it every other month. So Please share this event with every Wrestling fan you know.
2817 Carson Street
Haltom City, Texas 76117
For ticket information inquire online
Or call 817-919-8925
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates