May 4th 30- Days Self Love Challenge Day 4

The Mommies Reviews

I’m telling you Pam is making me dig deep and open up places inside my mind that I thought was closed forever from participating in May 4th 30- Days Self Love Challenge.

I knew the LORD brought this challenge to me for a reason. I believe relieving things is going to help me become a happier kinder person and to move through things I never thought I would live through.

This morning’s prompt for today was a difficult one to think about though:

Journal Prompt- List 3 ways you can you love yourself more

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1. I can need to forgive myself for letting Suzzane go on Thanksgiving weekend to her best friends house and her getting killed.
2. Homeschooling Charlie and Suzzie and not making sure they got the best education they could have.
3. Going to Collage so I could better support my family when I was a single mom because Suzzie and I wouldn’t have had to struggle as much as we did.

For years I punished myself for my actions- blamed others and went in directions I shouldn’t have but did.

I hope we all can forgive ourselves for past issues.

Remember you can get the journal on Pam’s ETSY page

That link will give you $1 OFF!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates