May 30 National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay

The Mommies Reviews

After the last couple days I’ve had I needed a me day just to relax but I wanted to spend one on one time with Charlie to allow us to reflect on his graduation and to see how he felt it went. With May 30th being National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay Chalie and I will be doing one of his favorite things of all time and creating art. Would you like to join us on our me day and create something new and unusual with us?

National Creativity Day in 2021 | Pictures to draw, Creative, When you ...

I would like to ask you to unleash your imagination today for National Creativity Day which takes place on May 30th! Many things in our lives was spawned out of someone’s imagination just not Nature. Artists, writers, sculptors, filmmakers, chefs, landscapers, architects, and many more. National Creativity Day was founded to honor and celebrate everyone who creates new things each day, someone just like you!

People have differing opinions about the history of creativity. Some believe creativity began in the prehistoric ages when early humans used leaves to cover themselves and developed tools for hunting. Others believe creativity originated with the Australian Aborigines. They had moved from India to Australia, inventing an incredibly creative hunting tool, the boomerang, in the process. People also tend to think creativity originated in ancient Egypt, Mexico, Asia. The pyramids, geometry, astronomy, and advancements in production and Science are all examples of a creative bent.

The term ‘creativity’ itself has changed over the years, adapting to the way different cultures perceive creativity. The ancient Greeks preferred to avoid freedom of action in favor of following the rules when it came to creating art, a practice creative people do not prefer in today’s world. The Greeks also had no specific term corresponding to ‘creativity’, but there was one exception the word ‘poiein’ (which means ‘to make’ applied specifically to ‘poiesis’ ‘poetry’ and the ‘poietes’ (poet’ or ‘maker’.

. After the Greek civilization, Romans developed a new vocabulary, literature, art, and, most famously, sculptures. Medieval Christianity gave a new meaning to the term ‘creativity.’ The Latin ‘creatio’ referred to God’s act of ‘creatio ex nihilo’ (‘creation from nothing’). Later changes in this definition allowed the skill of creativity to be independent — it was no longer simply associated with art. The greatest period of creativity in history is said to be the period of the Renaissance, where everyone sought to express themselves, and creativity bloomed in every aspect of life, even in politics, economy, society, art, philosophy, science, and education.

The last decade has been full of revolution, with science taking an interest in the skill of creativity. To encourage us to nurture our creativity and thus inspire others to do the same, film producer and the president of ScreenwritingU, Hal Croasmun, together with ScreenwritingU, founded National Creativity Day.


  1. Unleash your creativity on the world and take some time to direct your energies towards a creative task that you like and go for it. Examine your passion and explore your creativity, even if it is only for fun.
  2. Encourage loved ones to pursue their dreams in the creative arts. At the very least, get them started with a new creative hobby.
  3. Support the creative community in any way you can. If you have found a new local store selling art, share the details. Frequent creative websites and studios and most of all purchase their art, music, and works.
  4. While learning to be creative, maybe you can also read up on what this skill can do for you, ways to enhance creativity, and more.


  1. Did you know 72% of creative insights come while people are in the shower, according to a study conducted in 2014.
  2. Dopamine in our brains, which is released when we try new things, is also linked to creative achievement.
  3. An overall health restorer, sleep also boosts creativity.
  4. History shows the most creative ideas have been ridiculed and mocked like Galileo’s astronomical discoveries.
  5. A good daydreaming session can allow your mind to go into mental incubation, allowing it to sort through creative ideas and planning.


  1. A creative outlet can help you express all those suppressed emotions you have buried deep inside. Even simply scribbling on a piece of paper can help our mind relax and destress.
  2. Being more creative inspires us to see the world through new eyes. Which can include exposing people to a new culture through photographs, cooking food from around the world, or even writing your thoughts about the most recent movie you watched. You not only put your ideas into perspective, but you also learn from the experience. The more new creative ideas you come up with, the bigger your experiences get, and the more your mind is introduced to new concepts and dialogues.
  3. An idea your mind came up with, all on its own, was brought into the world by you! Effectively, you created something where there was nothing earlier. The fact that our creative thoughts take shape and can be seen by the world gives us chills of excitement!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates