May 27th 30-Day Self Love Challenge Day 27

The Mommies Reviews

Yes, you guessed it I am behind. But what’s new in this neighborhood. As I sat down to work this morning it was nice to look around and find the house empty for a change.

The tv is on low in the background and I can hear myself think. I don’t hear mom.. mom…. mom… or Glenda, can you, will you or I need you to do this. I am grabbing a cup of Tea and losing myself in my blog.

I hope you have a wonderful day and that you have a fantastic weekend. I Pray you find something fun to do with your friends and family. Our family could use some Prayers this weekend as we go to close down my dads home.

Here is the prompt for this morning’s May 27th 30-Day Self Love Challenge Day 27: Write a love letter to yourself.

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OMG… Write a love letter to myself?

What do I write and what do I say to myself?

Pam, this isn’t fair and I don’t want to do this but I will and also have David and Charlie write one to themselves as well.

Good morning, Glenda,

How are you?

I know you have been stressed and unhappy for a while. But I want you to know there is people who love you. Just quit putting yourself down and stand up for yourself.

It’s time for people to stop walking all over you. If you need to find a Counselor and speak to him that is fine. Or take some time away do it. Don’t stay where you feel your not wanted.

Your not a failure as a wife and parent. Don’t let people make you feel stupid and don’t put up with them calling you names it’s degrading. Quit fussing at yourself for the way you look.

You and only you can change these things. But if Suzzane was here she wouldn’t want you to be so unhappy. Never doubt David and Charlie love you.

I am sending you hugs and we know it’s going to get better its just hard dealing with Covid-19. Again, I love you and you are a wonderful kind caring person.

Put one foot in front of the other and the LORD will provide a way. Enjoy your time at your dad’s and make sure you get things you want. Don’t just give them to your siblings because you don’t want to deal with DRAMA.

I love you,

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates