May 25 National Brown-Bag-It #BrownBagItDay

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to ask you a question. Did you know May 25th is National Brown-Bag-It #BrownBagItDay. David is working this morning and Charlie is cat-napping as usual. Since its such a pretty day and we can’t get outside to sit on our back patio and I don’t feel like climbing the stairs to go sit outside on David’s balcony I was thinking instead of sitting outside on the Patio to go sit outside by the swimming pool and read for a while.

I plan on making ma brown bag lunch to bring with me. Would you like for me to make you a lunch as well? Or I can call a restaurant and have lunch delivered which should still come in a brown bag shouldn’t it? If Charlie was up we could walk over to our old Park by Granny Sherry’s and invite her to the Park to have lunch with us. Although, we would have to ask Charlie’s friends not to bother us when were having lunch. Which could hurt someone’s feelings and embarrass them. Which Charlie and I wouldn’t want to do.

National Brown-Bag-It Day is a terrific reminder not to overlook the simple things that can add up to make an enormous difference. A brown bag lunch is a delightful reminder of the joys and benefits of packing a homemade lunch. National Brown-Bag-It celebrates that humble brown bag and how it symbolizes thriftiness, health, and the pleasure of a homemade meal.

The origins of National Brown-Bag-It Day are as inconspicuous as the brown paper bag itself. While the exact date of National Brown-Bag-It inception remains cloaked in mystery, the day has been observed for less than a decade. National Brown-Bag-It only recently gained popularity as a modern celebration of an age-old practice.

The brown paper bag has a surprisingly interesting and innovative history. In 1852, Francis Wolle, a man from Pennsylvania, invented a machine that crafted paper into envelope-shaped bags. This innovation was a game-changer in the packaging world. However, Margaret E. Knight, another American inventor, transformed Wolle’s flat brown bag in 1871 into its more familiar form today. The flat-bottomed paper bag. This design significantly increased the bag’s utility. It quickly became a familiar sight in grocery stores and households.

An additional advancement came in 1912 when Walter Deubener, a grocer from St. Paul, Minnesota, added handles to these brown bags. As if they could be any more convenient! These innovators laid the foundation for the widespread use of brown paper bags. Today, their innovations are convenient beyond America, around the globe.

The practice of “brown-bagging,” or taking a homemade lunch in a brown paper bag to work or school, grew into a symbol of character traits – practicality and self-sufficiency. Over the years, this simple act has evolved, reflecting changes in society and lifestyle. National Brown-Bag-It Day arose in response to a growing trend of convenience eating and a departure from homemade meals. National Brown-Bag-It serves as a call to return to a more straightforward, healthier eating habits that can only come from a home-prepared meal and to appreciate the small act of packing your own lunch.

Celebrating National Brown-Bag It Day can be a delightful and creative endeavor. Use National Brown Bag-It Day to pack a lunch that brings joy to your heart. Let your lunch be a highlight of your day, whether it’s a favorite Sandwich wrapped in parchment, a hearty Salad bursting with fresh, colorful ingredients, or a homemade treat like a slice of Banana Bread or a Chocolate Chip Cookie. Imagine the anticipation of unwrapping a meal prepared with care, a delightful break in your busy day.

Get Creative with Your Bag

Who says brown bags have to be boring? Squeeze your creative juices out on National Brown-Bag-It Day and decorate your brown bag with drawings, stickers, or inspirational quotes. Decorating a brown paper bag is a fun activity for adults and little ones alike, transforming a plain bag into a canvas of personal expression. Decorating the brown paper bag also adds a personal touch to your meal, turning lunchtime into an opportunity for artistic display.

Share the Joy of Brown Bagging

Encourage your colleagues or friends to participate in National Brown-Bag-It Day and organize a brown bag lunch day at work or school where everyone brings homemade meals. National Brown-Bag-It is a great way to build community and share different cuisines. Imagine a table filled with an array of homemade dishes, each telling a story of cultural heritage and personal taste, fostering connections and conversations.

Learn and Educate

Use National Brown-Bag-It to educate yourself and others about the environmental impact of using reusable bags versus disposable ones. Discuss ways to make your lunch more sustainable. Delve into the world of eco-friendly packaging, exploring alternatives like beeswax wraps and reusable containers, and share tips on reducing food waste and sourcing ingredients locally.

Brown-Bag-It Beyond Lunch

Extend the concept to other meals. How about a brown bag breakfast with homemade muffins or overnight Oats? Brown bag dinner, anyone? A picnic-style meal with Sandwiches and Salads? National Brown-Bag-It is all about enjoying the simplicity and satisfaction of a meal you’ve prepared, regardless of the time of day.

Host a Brown Bag Recipe Exchange

Share your favorite easy-to-pack recipes with friends or on social media which is a great way to discover new recipes and add variety to your lunch routine. From nutritious wraps to savory Pastas and refreshing Fruit Salads, the exchange can become a treasure trove of culinary inspiration, encouraging healthier eating habits and culinary creativity.

Pack Brown Bag Lunches for Those in Need

In the spirit of giving, prepare and deliver brown bag lunches to people experiencing homelessness in your community. This act of kindness celebrates National Brown-Bag-It and spreads compassion and support to those who need it most. Each bag, filled with nourishing and tasty food, becomes a gesture of care and community spirit, making a tangible difference in someone’s day.

Reflect on the Healthy Benefits

Take a moment to appreciate the benefits of brown-bagging – from saving money to eating healthier, more balanced meals. Consider the sense of accomplishment from planning and preparing your meals, the health benefits of controlling your ingredients, and the joy of breaking away from the monotony of store-bought or fast food. It’s a small step towards a healthier, more mindful lifestyle.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates