May 23 World Turtle Day #TurtleDay

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie has been spending a lot of time at his friends this week so I can finish getting things ready for his Highschool Graduation next week. We’ve almost finished all of our lessons but I can’t wait to let Charlie know May 23rd is World Turtle Day #TurtleDay because Charlie has always wanted a Turtle. We will study Turtles this week then take a Field Trip to our local pet stores to look at Turtles up close. Would you like to go with us? Then we will research our local Zoos and Aquariums and see if any of them have Turtles we can go see. Your welcome to come with us.

Turtles and Tortoises are common sightings in parables, stories, and pop culture and as we celebrate World Turtle Day on May 23rd to honor Turtles. Did you know Turtles and Tortoises are associated with wisdom and perseverance. Turtles are reptiles that are found in many environments all around the world.

Turtles play an important role in their respective ecosystems. Turtles dig holes that are inhabited by other creatures and keep our Beaches clean by feeding on dead Fish that wash up on the shores. Turtles maintain an ecological balance and, therefore, it’s important to conserve these animals and we need your help in saving them.

Did you know it’s easy to get confused between a Tortoise and Turtle. The main difference between the two is that Turtles sometimes live in the water, while Tortoises only live on the land. Turtles live up to the age of 40 and have streamlined and mostly flat shells. On the other hand, Tortoises can live up to 300 years and they have larger, more domed shells. You will mostly find Turtles in the Sea, while Tortoises inhabit dense jungles and grasslands.

Turtles and Tortoises are two different animals but today is dedicated to celebrating and protecting both. World Turtle Day was first celebrated by the American Tortoise Rescue in 2002 and World Turtle Day highlights the suffering and the dwindling numbers of Turtles due to human interference and environmental hazards. Schools, rescue centers, and nature lovers all come together on World Turtle Day to learn more about Turtles and to pledge their allegiance to help save Turtles.

American Tortoise Rescue was created by Susan Tellem and Marshall Thompson. They organize charity drives and actively work to spread awareness for the critical conditions of Turtles. The couple is known for their humane treatment of all animals, including reptiles. Since its establishment in 1990, American Tortoise Rescue has given homes to over 4,000 Tortoises and Turtles. The organization also assists their local law enforcement in guarding Turtles’ natural habitats and tending to them when they are sick


  1. if you can then today is a wonderful day to adopt a Turtle or a Tortoise from the rescue shelter and these creatures make for hassle-free pets.
  2. Turtles do not need much attention and are perfect pets for young children!
  3. If you can you may want to donate to a local Tortoise Conservation Centers or the American Tortoise Rescue and remember no, amount of donation is to small and any donation will go a long way!
  4. Grab your friends and family and sign up at a Turtle rescue center and volunteer to help out by tending to sick Turtles, feeding them, etc.!


  1. The shell of a Turtles is the most distinguished part of a Turtle and experts say that it is made of 50 bones!
  2. Turtles and Tortoises are illegally traded for their meat, shell, and skin which has led to the endangerment of Turtles.
  3. Turtles may all look the same to us but there are actually 300 species of Turtles and 129 are endangered.
  4. Turtles are cold-blooded animals with a slow metabolism and a Turtles long lifespan is often attributed to this.
  5. The first Turtles existed 200 million years ago alongside Dinosaurs! I wonder why Turtles existed and Dinosaurs didn’t don’t you?


  1. We inhabit the planet with countless different creatures and World Turtle Day reminds us to be respectful of the ecological balance and sensitive to our animal friends.
  2. World Turtle Day promises a better future where humans and Turtles can coexist peacefully and protecting Turtles means protecting our own future.
  3. Animal lovers look forward to World Turtle Day to do their bit for the conservation of Turtles and Tortoises and today is a great day to volunteer, raise awareness, and donate.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and Charlie Cates