May 22 National Buy a Musical Instrument Day #BuyAMusicalInstrumentDay

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I would like to invite you to our Homeschool Music Class this morning as we celebrate May 22 National Buy a Musical Instrument Day #BuyAMusicalInstrumentDay, For a Field Trip if we have the opportunity were even going on a Field Trip to a store to look at Musical Instruments. Along with a store that sells guitars Charlie wants to look at because his dad used to play one. Would you like to join us?

Buy A Musical Instrument Day is, you guessed it, here to motivate you to create beautiful melodies with a brand new instrument. Let Buy A Musical Instrument Day be the push you needed to get yourself a lovely musical instrument. If you’ve ever thought of starting your own band today is the day to do it.

Music has been a crucial part of human society throughout history, with musical instruments occupying a special space in culture. Did you know people who created musical instruments were revered by society. It is believed that the first musical instruments were used for religious ceremonies or while hunting and were made of bones, shells, and wood. Over time, musical instruments began to be used to create melodies, and musical entertainment was born.

Archaeological studies and remains show that musical instruments have evolved over time. Each generation improved the designs and creations that came before it until we arrived at the instruments of today.

The oldest musical instrument in the world is also the only one associated with Neanderthal culture. However, some musical instruments found, dating back to the Upper Paleolithic age, are disputed as the oldest ones in the world. The Renaissance period is widely believed to be the best time in the history of musical instruments. It was responsible for giving shape to many of the modern classical instruments. In the past century, musical instruments have been introduced to electronics, and now we also have electronic instruments!

While we could not find the creator of Buy A Musical Instrument Day, we did learn that Buy A Musical Instrument Day was initially held on May 18 each year in honor of writer and composer Meredith Willson (1902–1984). Willson was famous for writing the music and lyrics for the musical “The Music Man”. Why this date was changed remains a mystery.


  1. Add a musical instrument to your skills and purchase the one instrument you have always wanted. If you don’t want to buy an instrument? Make your own DIY one from common household materials. For instance, you can upturn a bucket to create a drum or fill the inside of an unused cardboard roll with beans to create a rainmaker.
  2. Now that you’ve got your hands on a musical instrument, how about learning to play it? Take music lessons to familiarize yourself with different instruments and then pick which one is your favorite.
  3. Now that you have your instrument play it, of course and don’t forget you can make today a group affair by inviting friends and family to play with you. When you start making terrific music, you can even set up impromptu concerts for local communities!


  1. There are six main musical instrument categories: percussion, woodwind, brass, strings, keyboard, and electronic.
  2. The piano is the most widely played musical instrument across the world which is followed by the guitar, and then by drums.
  3. 21 million Americans play the piano, more than all other musical instruments combined.
  4. Research shows children who play musical instruments read at more advanced levels, exhibit larger vocabularies, and are good at teamwork.


  1. The history of the world has always been intertwined with music. Each culture has its own importance and history of various musical instruments like drums played during a war, trumpets to announce something of importance, and more. Buy A Musical Instrument Day brings music and its history to the forefront of our minds, allowing us to reflect on the impact music has on the world.
  2. Playing, learning, or even talking about it — music gives us a lot to share with like-minded people. How else can you explain the energy of the crowd at concerts? Bonding over this art form encourages people to learn and carry the music-making tradition on to future generations.
  3. Studies correlate playing a musical instrument with a better quality of life. People perform better in school and work, experience less stress, and are generally more happy and productive. We certainly think learning to play musical instruments is a sight better than giving in to harmful habits or boredom. If you knew of a hobby that could enrich your life, wouldn’t you pick it up?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charie and David Cates