Good morning, how are you? Man, oh man its raining more than cats and dogs here this morning. If Charlie and I had put the pool up this weekend when Granny dropped it off it would be full of water by now. It’s Monday and I am still two days behind in the May 22 30- Day Self Love Challenge Day 22. By the end of today God barring any tragedies I will be caught up. Hallelujah!!!

Charlie and I will be stuck inside all day today. Which is fine. Charlie has homework and I wanted to work on the blog. In a bit when David leaves for work Charlie and I may watch a movie.
I wanted to bring remind you it’s May 22 30- Day Self Love Challenge Day 22. It’s so hard to see May come to a end. Before we know it the year will be over.

The prompt Day 22- Self Love Challenge is
Journal Prompt- What Do You Love About Your Life?
The LIFE the Lord has given me and the friends and family in my life. Living or dead he blessed me with the opportunity to know. Including the Furbabies of my own and also my families furbabies. Penny, Granny Sherry’s dog. Jango and Amelia Les dogs and Debbie’s cats Slippers and Socks.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates