May 19th 30- Days Self Love Challenge Day 19 and yes, I am behind. Which is okay because no, one can judge me but myself and our LORD. Which is why I am determined I am and will catch up this week.

For this morning the journal prompt is to ask us what do you love about your life?
I love my family but I hate all the stress we are under which is leading to tiffs and I hate Charlie is witness to the tiffs. But if I was to stand back there isn’t anyplace else I would rather be.

For me its my health even though I am over weight. My friends and family even thought we don’t get to see each other. My dogs even though only one of them is actually mine.
My LIFE and the LORD above anything and I love that he allows me to live each day.
I would like to ask you “What do you love about your LIFE?”
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates