May 15 National Juice Slush Day #NationalJuiceSlushDay

The Mommies Reviews

I keep saying I need to get up and walk everyday because the weight just seems to be piling on and I need to eat healthier and quite snacking but that isn’t always easy to do. Then I find Holidays like May 15th National Juice Slush Day #NationalJuiceSlushDay’ which reminds me to get back on track and one of the ways I plan on that is making a Slush to drink each mornin.

, Even though I don’t care for fruit I love Fruit Juice so Charlie and I should be able to come up with a National Juice Slush we would all drink. Would you like to join us in Charlie’s Home Economics Homeschool Class as we work on creating a recipe we will all drink. If you have a favorite Natural Slush recipe leave me a comment so I can check out the drink with my family.

Today is the day to commemorate the frosty pleasure known as a Juice Slush on National Juice Slush Day, celebrated annually on the third Wednesday in May. This year, National Juice Slush Day takes place on May 15th. Juice lushes have existed for decades, if not millennia, since it was made by adding Fruit Juice to freshly collected Snow. For Centuries, the royal courts of the world brought down recently fallen Snow from the Mountains and filled the tops with crushed Berries and mashed Fruits. More lately, large brands have taken the lead in producing Juice Slush, which has become popular among kids on lunch breaks.

Did you know Slushes have a fascinating history as well; the current form we enjoy today was developed in the 1950s by chance when a restaurant accidentally stored some soda in the freezer. When the freezer door was opened, the soda was found to have a slushy consistency. The rest, as they say, is history. The drink has since evolved into the tasty iced beverage that we all know and love today.

Even though Juice Slushes are available everywhere, the genesis of National Juice Slush Day can be traced back to a single firm, Cool Tropics. Cool Tropics and its well-known juice slush brand Welch’s make the best use of this day with large-scale marketing activities that reach across the Country. This popular school beverage, which is especially popular during the warmest days of Spring and Summer, is flavored with real Fruit juice and does not contain any artificial colorants.

Starting as an equipment firm selling frozen slush, Cool Tropics changed its focus in 2008 to offer a healthier alternative to a childhood favorite: frozen Yogurt. As a result, a convenient 100 percent Juice Slush pouch is created (no equipment required). K-12 students were the appropriate target audience for these nutritious new offerings because of the color, joy, and excitement they brought to the table. They were perfect for menus, field trips, and other special occasions.”


  1. The best way to celebrate National Juice Slush Day is to purchase a Juice Slush and today you can try different flavors that you have not tried before and see which one you like the most.
  2. Make your own Juice Slush instead of purchasing one from the store and remember Slushes are a great way to cool down on a hot day, and they’re a lot easier to make than you may think.


  1. Orange
  2. Apple
  3. Grape
  4. Mango
  5. Mixed berry


  1. Adding Ice and Water to your preferred Fruit Juice concentrate produces a delightful drink that can be consumed quickly on a hot day.
  2. Juice Slushes can have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties depending on the Fruit used.
  3. You may easily consume your five daily servings of fruits and vegetables by drinking a Juice Slush.
  4. Their high fiber content helps to keep our digestive tracts in excellent condition.
  5. Minerals and vitamins, particularly vitamin C, are abundant in Juice Slushes as well.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates