Two more days and I will be caught up in the May 14th 30- Days Self Love Challenge. Yes, two more days.. But then knowing me I will fall behind again. But what can I say other than that is life in the big City.

Journal Prompt- What are your insecurities and how can you change them?

Where do I start! (right there is my issue)!
My top insecurity is how I look. I am over 70 pounds if not more overweight. I go on Diets and start walking then I quit… I snack when I shouldn’t. I eat foods I shouldn’t and do I force myself not to no, I don’t. Can I stp this? Yes, I can and I should and I will.
Otherwise I will not be here to see Charlie grow up which is another fear I have. s I am nearing 60 and he is only 12. Even though my dad was in his 80’s when he passed my mom was my age which scares the BEEGEEBIES out of me..
The biggest issue is is my mouth- teeth problems. How can I change them- someday down the road I need all new teeth-dentures probably. Which cost money and with no, Dental Insurance there is no, way I can fix this problem.
I am afraid David and Charlie will leave and I will be alone. Can I fix this? I think so but I can’t seem to as all I do is argue with them and most of the time it’s over stupid stuff.
Thank youk,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates