May 11 National Archery Day #NationalArcherySchoolsProgram

The Mommies Reviews

I thought I would share a new Holiday with you that falls on May 11 National Archery Day #NationalArcherySchoolsProgram. If your Homeschooling your children like I am or just want to get the kids outside for a little while and off electronics then you should celebrate today and take the family to do archery. I’ve always said I was going to take Charlie because I think David and Charlie would enjoy it and could use archery if they ever go fishing or camping. Would you like to go with us to learn archery this week? If you know how it works you can teach us.

National Archery Day is a holiday that falls on the second Saturday in May and it is a holiday that recognizes archery in all its forms. Did you know archery is one of the oldest sports in existence and is at least 4,800 years old. Although archery has only sporadically appeared as an official event in the Olympics during the first part of the 20th Century, archery became a permanent addition to the Olympics in 1972. The last few years have seen an increase in the popularity of this sport, which is why a holiday has been created in its honor.

National Archery Day first became a holiday in 2015 and the holiday was invented by the National Archery in the Schools Program in 2015. Since this organization generally has a tournament on the second Saturday in May, the holiday was placed on the calendar to coincide with that event.

Archery is a sport that’s been around for a long time and historians estimate that archery was first invented sometime during the Upper Paleolithic Period or maybe even earlier. The Upper Paleolithic Period covers a time frame from 12,000 years ago all the way to 50,000 years ago. Regardless of when archery was first invented, it became an important part of hunting and the military. Archery was used for subsistence hunting and also became a major part of most of the world’s militaries.

Facts About Archery

  • The Olympic recurve bow is based on a design that dates back to 1,500 BC.
  • Archery is the national sport of Bhutan.
  • Archery was the only sport women could compete in during the 1904 Olympics in St. Louis, MO.
  • During the reign of Henry VIII, every healthy man in the Country had to practice archery after Church on Sundays to keep their archery skills sharp.
  • During the Battle of Crécy in 1346, English longbowmen killed almost 2,000 French knights.
  • An arrow released during competition can travel at a speed of about 150 miles per hour.

Observing National Archery Day

National Archery Day can be easily observed by seeking out archery programs and learning more about the sport and National Archery Day is a great day to begin your journey to mastering the bow or going to tournaments if you are already good at Archery.

Media Inquiries: Visit for media inquiries, press releases, and other National Archery in the Schools Program news.

National Archery in the Schools Program contact information:

Roy Grimes

President, CEO

National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP®)

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates