Math, Art & Science Resources

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to Math, Art & Science Resources I wanted to share with everyone. The first resource I have is from Homeschooling Planet. It’s  for there Online Planner. Because I believe everyone need’s a planner.

Homeschool Planet – Online Planner
Homeschool Planet - FREE 30-Day Trial
Have you been looking for a new Homeschool Planner?
Or, do you need to change what you’re currently using?
If so, organize your world with a subscription to Homeschool Planet

everything you need to hold your home and homeschooling in one easy-to-use online planner!

Home Art Studio – Home Art Studio DVD Art Curriculum for K-5th Grades!

BrainWare Safari –  a leader in cognitive skills development game software

Discovery Education Week
Discovery Education Week - Get Bonus SmartPoints
There are only a few days left for Discovery Education Week at the Co-op! This week, we have been highlighting award-winning programs from Discovery Education including these great programs:
Discovery Education Streaming Plus

Discovery Education K-8 Science Techbook

Discovery Education High School Science Techbook

Discovery Education Social Studies Techbook

In the Pipeline
In the Pipeline Intro
These Special Offers and Group Buy savings are “in the bag.” Read below to see what’s coming!

ACTIVATE - Save 50%
If you have a child struggling with ADHD or other learning difficulties, consider ACTIVATE Home, a complete cognitive cross-training online program from award-winning C8 Sciences.
Designed for kids with ADHD and other attention deficit disorders, and their parents, this new program is flexible and easy to navigate and can help you enhance your child’s ability to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. ACTIVATE was created at Yale University and supported by funding from the NIH.The program, which used on a tablet, laptop or desktop computer, consists of a series of brain training games and activities that are challenging, educational, and fun. These case studies describe how you will see improvements in your child’s ability to concentrate, complete tasks, and follow directions soon after he begins the program.

With daily training, a child can complete the program over a 3-month period.

UnLock Math is a highly reviewed, award-winning curriculum designed to keep your child engaged and looked forward to their math lessons. Created for all students, UnLock Math has successful students who previously struggled in math, including students with Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Autism, and ADHD, while also keeping Gifted students engaged and looking forward to their next lesson.

UnLock Math’s lessons are taught by a real teacher, breaking math into bite-size chunks, designed for the student to quickly understand AND apply. Their Assessment Environment uses the World’s Most Advanced Symbolic Computational Engine with adaptive questions that guide your child through difficult concepts, effectively “teaching” them as they progress through the problems. Unlock Math takes care of ALL the Teaching, Testing, and Grading for you!

FREE Curriculum from ClickSchooling

Free Curriculum

Does it seem like you spend countless hours searching the internet for resources, games, worksheets, and more for your children? Well, look no further!

The Co-op is pleased to offer our members a database of free curriculum and other educational resources from our ClickSchooling partner. This week, we provide these free curriculum discoveries and them.

Writing Tips by Julie Bogar

This week, we offer these writing advice tips from Julie Bogart, the creator of the popular Brave Writer writing and language arts curriculum:

Check our Free Writing Tips section frequently for new tips or sign up for Julie’s Daily Tip newsletter on the Brave Writer website.

P.S. We’d like to remind you that the Co-op has the BEST DEAL ON THE PLANET for Brave Writer writing and language arts curriculum:

I hope these Homeschooling Resources from Homeschool Buyers Co-op makes teaching your students easier and this email helps you find resources you’ve been looking for to use in our classroom.

I’m glad I was able to bring you these resources because I know there isn’t always money to purchase supplies for school. I wanted to make teaching classes easier for you if I could.


Glenda, Charlie and David Cates