Master and Favorite by Rachel Cherry (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

As we begin a new week I wanted to share a new book for you to check out called Master and Favorite by Rachel Cherry (Author) that I received a PDF Copy of from the Author and Voracious Readers in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and you make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the products you purchase.

I wanted to let you know Master and Favorite is based off real event but the author does explain at the end this is fiction. The Author did change locations and details. I liked knowing the story is set in Ancient Rome and was able to share things I didn’t know about Rome with my husband who know wants to read the book. I’m just afraid the story may be confusing and hard for him to read on his own but that shouldn’t stop you from checking out the novel.

 Master and Favorite is the story of Kallias, a slave, and the story is refreshing and feels like it’s being shown in the Ancient Roman ruins. There’s a focus on the story of Julia Agrippina but seen through the eyes of Kallias. I like how the Author features some of famous Roman personalities, even though the book is book about power, and about how systems of power change people.

I found myself becoming even more intrigued when the main character received help and started falling in love his mentor, and everything he embodied. When cast aside, he secretly wants revenge then gets it slowly with the help of an aspiring woman that will give both what is the most longed for

About the book:

Imperial Rome

When Kallias is sold to the senator Calvinus, he falls instantly in love with him—or rather, in love with everything Calvinus has. Money, power, privilege. Kallias imagines his life could be like his master’s, if only he could convince Calvinus to value him for more than his looks.

After the brutal ending of the relationship, Kallias reinvents himself in another household, where he meets and conspires with the cunning and ambitious Julia Agrippina. The emperor’s niece has a claim to the throne and the same desires as Kallias: power and revenge at any cost.

Agrippina suggests the schemes and Kallias designs the details. He must risk everything he knows and loves—including his life—in a treacherous hike to reach the top and get even with the man he once worshiped.

Meet the Author: Rachel Cherry

Rachel Cherry’s favorite stories to read and write are always about power hungry people in historical or fantasy settings. In her free time, if she’s not delving into some extremely esoteric interest, she’s plotting her next story.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates