March 6 National Frozen Food Day #NationalFrozenFoodDay

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, don’t worry about cooking dinner this evening because March 6 is National Frozen Food Day #NtionalFrozenFoodDay. All you need to do is hit up your local Frozen Food section of the grocery store and purchase Frozen Foods to feed your family. If only Patio TV Dinner still had there Mexican TV Dinners I would be in heaven. Or I could get Banquest Turkey Dinner or Western Dinner. How about you do you like TV Dinner or is there another type of Frozen Food you would prefer?

On March 6, people like to National Frozen Food Day. National Frozen Food Day was established by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 with Proclamation #5157: “Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim March 6, 1984, as Frozen Food Day, and I call upon the American people to observe National Frozen Food Day with ceremonies and activities.” Get tout thee to the frozen food aisle and stock up your freezers to celebrate National Frozen Food Day because your president demands it!


  1. Today is the day to appreciate the diversity of the frozen food industry by enjoying frozen food for every meal on National Frozen Food Day. Start the day with a fFor breakfast there is no, need to cook start the day with a Waffle.
  2. Host a TV dinner party TV dinners use plastic trays filled with a complete meal with a main and sides made for eating in front of the televisions which were the quintessential American frozen food.


  1. Thanks to frozen food, we never have to have to cook! We can keep all kinds of meals in our freezers and ready to go with just a few minutes in the microwave. Whether we are in the mood for Indian Curry, Thai noodles, or an old-fashioned Pot Pie, Frozen Food is a quick trip from the frozen food aisle to our stomachs.
  2. For people who love vegetables it feels like we are always throwing out produce that has gone bad before we have a chance to use it with bags of frozen Kale and Spinach in the freezer, we can always get our greens even if we haven’t been to the market in weeks!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates