March 30 Take a Walk in the Park Day #TakeAWalkInTheParkDay

The Mommies Reviews

Today is actually April 1st and I forget to share a post for yesterday with it being Easter and yes, today is April 1st and it isn’t a joke I let the day slip by spending it with family and friends and not blogging. Which sometimes we need a break and I took one. Yesterday was March 30th and on that day we was supposed to Take a Walk in the Park Day #TakeAWalkInTheParkDay.

I remember as a child my parents creating a Picnic dinner and loading everyone into the car to head to the Park for dinner and a Picnic. Which I’ve also done in the past because when we was in our Trailer we had two parks at the end of the Street. Since moving the Park isn’t close and Charlie is now 17 and doesn’t want to go to the Park with his family only his friends to sit at a table and play on there phones.

I miss the old days of coloring Easter Eggs and hiding them and watching the kids find the Eggs. This year I didn’t even fix Easter baskets I just game Charlie money for a X Box game. Did the Easter Bunny come to your home? Did you color Easter Eggs and hunt them? If so I should have came to your home.

Today is April 1st and I had so many plans for today including joining the Gym and going everyday to walk for at least 30 minutes but I didn’t have the money for the membership and I’ve been hurting today. I’m not going to let that stop my. I’m going to drink the water I need to drink today to kick off my diet.

I’m going to take my Slim Fest for dinner and my Hydroxy Cut and while David is making dinner this evening Pheobie and I are going to walk around the complex at least once and if possible twice. Depending on his it affects my breathing which was bothering me yesterday and no, it will not be in a Park but our complex has Park like qualities and its walking and that is what counts isn’t it?

Take a Walk in the Park Day was founded to reconnect people with Mother Nature. You should be familiar with the numerous benefits of walking, which has many therapeutic effects on our health. These benefits are often overlooked. According to new research, individuals who regularly visit Parks are reported to have better mental- and physical health. There were also some studies conducted that proved that people living near parks got along better with different people.

Researchers found that people living in apartment buildings with views of trees were less aggressive as compared to those living in concrete buildings with no views to look at. We all live in tighter spaces, which makes us interact less with nature. Due to this, our physical, spiritual, and social well-being is affected to a greater extent. 

In the past, people have mostly lived outdoors, in Forests and Jungles. Now, the times have changed and it will keep on changing, Parks will always be a kind of antidote to our busy and crowded lives. Take A Walk In The Park Day is something that we should think about on this holiday. Consider Parks as lifesavers, because they are blessings of nature to be enjoyed by the everyone.


  1. Go for a long walk and time to stretch your legs!
  2. There is no better way to go for a stroll than with friends and family.
  3. Join a walking group and go for a walk with your group mates and share your walk share on social media!


  1. Walking is the most famous form of exercise in the U.S.
  2. Did you know to burn off the calories that you get after eating one M&M candy, you will have to walk the length equal to that of a football field!
  3. The average walking speed of a person is 3.1 miles per hour.
  4. A regular pair of tennis shoes will last for 500 miles of walking.
  5. 6,000 steps will help to improve health, while 10,000 steps will help you to lose weight.


  1. Walking is one of the fun ways to relax your body, and walking calms you down and improves your health.
  2. Walking around the park will freshen your mind and will make you feel better.
  3. Walking relaxes your muscles and keeps you active, and walking gives your body the time it needs to recover.
  4. Studies have proved that an active recovery workout eventually allows your body to heal faster.
  5. No need for fancy equipment all you need are walking shoes on Take A Walk In The Park Day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates