March 26 National Spinach Day #NationalSpinachDay

The Mommies Reviews

March 26 National Spinach Day #NationalSpinachDay is a good day to resume my diet because we all know Spinach is a healthy vegetable which can be used in Salads. Growing up I remember Popeye always eating Spinach and becoming stronger so he could fight Brutus. My parent would make Spinach for dinner and my parents each had a way they liked to prepare the Spinach.

My dad would open a can of Popeye Spinach and put it in the pan with Vinegar and warm the Spinach up for us to eat. My mom would put it in the pan without Vinegar and warm it for dinner. Before you ask which way did I prefer the Spinach I’ve eaten it both ways but being with David he is like my dad and prefers it cooked in Vinegar.

Some of the health benefits of Spinach is it provides Iron, and Spinach is also an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C — not to mention manganese and magnesium. Join me today and let’s have Spinach for dinner. If Suzzane was here she would have wanted to go to Boston Market for Creamed Spinach or to her big sister’s Stevie for her to make Creamed Spinach for her. Before you ask no, I can’t make Creamed Spinach because I don’t know how although I bet I could find a recipe online. Don’t you think I could?


  1. Today is a day to try a new Spinach dish like a Spinach Salad. If you love you raw Spinach try it cooked!
  2. If you have a green thumb, embark on a fun project and grow Spinach on your windowsill or your backyard. Growing Spinach will save you money, because you’re not buying from the store.!
  3. Grab your family and read a Popeye comic book together or go to Youtube for cartoons featuring Popeye.

Ways to enjoy National Spinach Day #NationalSpinachDay

  1. Spinach is rich in water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, iron, calcium, cancer-fighting antioxidants, phytonutrients . When it’s raw, Spinach is basically a super-food. Spinach loses some of its nutrients when it’s cooked, it still maintains enough of them to be incredibly healthy. A bit of Spinach a day keeps the doctor away!
  2. There are many different, ways to cook Spinach which go way beyond boiling Spinach into mush like your mother. The classic unhealthy way to cook Spinach is to boil it and add heavy Cream creating Suzzane’s favorite dish creamed Spinach! If you prefer to eat Healthy they use Spinach completely raw to make a Salad add Vinaigrette and Craisins. Sprinkle Spinach leaves into your next stir-fry or use Spinach when making a homemade Burrito for a quick calorie and nutrient boost.
  3. One of the world’s most amazing sights is how much Spinach reduces in size when it’s cooked. Have you ever added an entire bag of baby Spinach to a pan until it was overflowing? Have you questioned how you were going to add any of the other ingredients in your recipe? And then have you watched the Spinach reduce at least six times in size until it barely took up any space in the pan?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates