March 14th is National Children’s Craft Day

The Mommies Reviews

Did you know it’s National Craft Month and during this month today March 14th is National Children’s Craft Day. With the kids out of school for Spring Break National Craft Day will unleash a boost of creative energy.

The day celebrates crafting with children and opens there eyes to the world of crafts. Sparking their imagination creating endless possibilities for children to learn the following:

How to follow directions

Improving there reading comprehension

Crafting helps our children learn independence

It show children how to overcome mistakes

Allows children to feel included

Teaches children to master social skills

 Before you say I am not crafty or I don’t know what to do with my children. Or I don’t have supplies to use in crafting that isn’t true. You can use everyday household items for projects.

When cooking dinner don’t throw away the boxes you use or cans or bottles because besides recycling them they can he used in Crafts. Charlie and I have used paper towel tubes and yogurt containers. As well as cereal boxes, newspapers and magazines.

HOW TO OBSERVE #ChildrensCraftDay

The ideas are unlimited for this National Children’s Craft Day! Let the creative juices flow. Your children will inspire you, or the internet and or Pinterest will give you lots of ideals.

Charlie and I use the National Day Calendar Classroom because they offer a wide variety of projects for all ages. When shopping for crafts check out second-hand shops for glitter and other accessories for your craft supplies. Don’t forget your local Dollar Stores and Clearance Bins in stores you shop in.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates