March 12 National Plant a Flower Day #PlantAFlowerDay

The Mommies Reviews

The other day I was working and David came in from work after stopping at Albertson where David picked up a plant for me with yellow Tulips in memory of Suzzane and my grandmother Dorie. What was funny was I was waiting for David to come home to see if we could he would go to Walmart’s with me to pick out Flowers.

Off to Walmart we went and I picked out a selection of flowers in different colors to go in the flower pots I had. Then we stopped by Kroger’s and I picked up a miniature Rose Bush to add to my garden. We got home that evening and it was to late to plant my flowers. The next day when David got home we went to the Dollar Store and picked up Potting Soul and flower pots.

I headed outside to plant the flowers which was the perfect day to work in the garden because March 12 National Plant a Flower Day #PlantAFlowerDay. I know this is a day late and I need to finish planting my flowers this morning but if you ask me I believe everyday should be Plant A Flower Day because flowers make people smile.

National Plant Flower Day is on March 12 every year and we don’t know about you, but flowers make people nicer and happier. We love how flowers bloom no questions asked. The flower’s approach to life is worth emulating! Not only do flowers bring us joy, but there’s a flower for virtually every mood. Whether expressing grief, love, gratitude, or appreciation, flowers say it best when words fail us. Let’s spread the love and plant more flowers on National Plant a Flower Day.

Flowers have changed the face of the Earth, quite literally, ever since they made an appearance in the Cretaceous period over 145 million years ago. Before flowers, the world was abundant in ferns and conifers an endless expanse of green idyll. Thanks to insects and dinosaurs plowing their way across the Earth, flowers diversified rapidly. The explosion of plant varieties and color cascaded into the birth of several plant families we know today. Flowering plants are vital to existence and flowers are a good food source that provide humans and animals the sustenance we need to survive.

More than anything, flowers have an uplifting quality that captures the imagination. Many flowers bloom just for a short period, usually in Spring or early Summer. Although short-lived, few things compare to the beauty of flowers in full bloom. Perhaps flowers beauty inspired the symbolic meanings of flowers across various world cultures.

Across civilizations, flowers have retained certain myths and symbolism and flowers fragility has come to represent death or new life. Sometimes flowers represent Gods and goddesses too. But, there’s no denying how flowers in full bloom are a universal expression of joy. So join me in planting a flower or two of even five. The sky’s the limit when planting flowers.

During the late 1800s in Europe, a new concept around flowers became popular. Flowers became a way to represent people’s feelings. Communicating through flower arrangements helped articulate the unsaid. Soon, codebooks to decipher the language of flowers would make communication easier. For example, a field clover meant, “When can I see you again?” A red rose petal meant “Yes.” Green flowers signified the receiver’s heart was made of stone!

The days of complex flower codes may be long gone, but flowers continue to bring joy and meaning to our lives. We may never know who came up with National Plant A Flower Day. The real question isn’t ”why?” but “why not?” Although if you ask me National Plant A Flower Day shouldn’t just be a day but celebrated all year long.


  1. Today is a perfect day to start a garden at home by planting a flower or several flowers if you’re feeling ambitious! Depending on where you are in the world, choose flowers best suited for planting in March.
  2. Today is the perfect day to take a long walk in a park or garden today and treat your senses to the sights, sounds, and smells of Spring.


  1. Keep HYDRANGEAS away from pets since Hydrangea leaves release cyanide when eaten which can be poisonous to dogs.
  2. The name Hydrangea means ‘water vessel’ in Ancient Greek, referring to the flower’s incredible love for water.
  3. blue, purple, or pink, gardeners need to perfect a soil’s pH to get the desired colors when planting Hydrangeas


  1. National Plant A Flower Day means Spring has truly sprung which welcomes warmer weather. National Plant A Flower Day is a symbol of new life and enthusiasm to meet the rest of the year head-on.
  2. Planting more flowers not only makes the world beautiful but ensures life on Earth survives.

Thank you,

Glenda Charlie and David Cates