I love spending time with my Sister and it was especially fun when we went to Mansfield to watch a play. Debbie is starting her own blog. I was able to point out local businesses like the Mansfield Chamber of Commerce and explain how Debbie could use them to build her brand.

As we finished our walk we came to the Chamber of Commerce but having the kids with us we didn’t go inside but we should have to find out about upcoming events they would be hosting we could join.
If you haven’t thought of joining your local Chamber of Commerce you should at least check into the free meetings as its a way to be seen without spending money.
For me I enjoy checking out the Ribbon Cuttings they host for new businesses as this gives me the opportunity to meet the owners of these businesses.
You should always put together a small Goodie Bag to leave with the owner with your business card so the owner has something tangible to remember you by.
If you know other businesses you could include them in the bags which would give multiple businesses a chance to be seen. If your looking for a way to make extra money you could charge a small fee for them to add there stuff to your bags.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates