I would like to share Making A Night Stalker published by David Burnett I was sent a copy of. The thoughts in this review are mine and my families no, one else.

I’ve been branching out and accepting books in new subjects which I usually wouldn’t read. Trying to get David and Charlie more interested in reading. I believe would bring them closer together.
I chose Making A Night Stalker not only because of the story line but the cover on the front of the novel. As the picture would capture Charlie and David’s attention.
I also thought my father and father in law might like to read Making A Night Stalker because it’s about the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. With both of them serving in the Military.
I sat down the other night and had Charlie read a couple pages of Making A Night Stalker. Charlie struggled some but was able to read a lot of this book on his own. I liked seeing this because this showed me Charlie’s reading has improved.
David Burnett takes readers into a unique world of the 160th Special Operations Aviation regiment. His journey starts in a conventional Army unit where he doesn’t feel fulfilled in his duties and obligations. This lack of responsibility drives David to pursue the dream of becoming an MH-47G Chinook helicopter crew chief in the most secretive and elite aviation unit in the world.
David is met with constant hurdles and set backs trying to achieve his ultimate goal but he is more determined than ever. After graduating from the units five week selection process he is thrown into school after school and non stop training before being able to step foot on the aircraft he so desperately dreams of crewing on.
After almost a year in the Special Operations unit he is trained and ready to deploy with 160th, and it is nothing short of intense. He learns quickly that his new units mission op tempo is exactly what he had hoped. He is eager to prove himself among the ranks and continues to hone his craft over the next four years. After five deployments with the unit as a crew chief he is discharged from the military.
After leaving the fast paced world of the SOF community he falls into a deep depression. Alcohol becomes the new most important thing, and he finds himself in a new and reckless battlefield. He never saw this coming.

After realizing his job in the regular Army wasn’t as fulfilling as he had hoped, he applied for 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment SOAR. After making it through the unit’s five week selection process he began his journey as a Special Operations crew chief.
He went through countless years of training and deployed with the unit five times before deciding he wasn’t going to reenlist. He put pen to paper after receiving an honorable discharge from the unit and began writing. This is his story.
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates