It’s Saturday, and time for Music I would like to ask you tto check out the Recommended Website: Major Music Theory

Age Range: 14-18 (Grades 8-12, with parental supervision) Created by Gilbert DeBernedetti, a music theory teacher at the University of Pittsburgh, this website provides visitors free downloadable music fundamentals workbooks, harmonic dictation study materials, piano and guitar sheet music and more.
(*Please note: Although some answer keys, test templates, and flash demos for the Fundamentals workbooks are free, most, as well as many of the Contextual Listening pieces, are only available with a paid membership.)
When arriving at this site, select from the following:
- Sheet Music
- Free Piano Music for various skill levels arranged by Mr. DeBernedetti
- Free Guitar Music for five levels of experience
- Music Theory
- Fundamentals – Provides 19 always free downloadable workbooks, 9 supplemental Circles of 5ths, and 31 sets of flash cards using the online Quizlet app that help teach music fundamentals. (*see note above)
- Contextual Listening – Encourages the student to develop skills in identifying musical elements and provides lesson plans for the teacher (*see note above)
- Harmonic Dictation – Allows students to discover how well they can identify soprano and bass notes as well as Roman and Arabic numerals.
- Music Humor – Provides fun visual puns for your music student to solve.
If you are planning to add Music Theory to your school days, this website will be a harmonious addition to your repertoire.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates