Greetings and welcome to Day 31 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge! I Did It I Made It!! I Finished The Ultimate Blog Challenge. I blogged for 30 Days out of the 31 Day challenge and even on the day I missed I went back and caught up. I don’ think I have ever made it this far in the challenge. So I am so proud of myself and I can’t wait for the next challenge that happens in October.
Because if it is Gods will I will still be blogging and by then I will have launched this years Christmas Gift Guide and if I quit blogging or do not have a Gift Guide I am fine with that as I know it wasn’t Gods will. Because I refuse to do anything with out Praying and following Gods advice. Because I wouldn’t have gotten through out this challenge without his support and gentle nudges.
Here is this mornings prompts for today’s Ultimate Blog Challenge:
So I thought I would answer the questions above and the first one is today is the last day of the challenge. Time to celebrate so grab your favorite drink and come share with me what you learned from joining in this month’s challenge and are you joining us in October as I plan on it. If God is willing and the creek don’t rise.
I learned to believe in myself and not to give up and to go slow and take things one day at a time and use baby steps. As well as listen to my inner voice and to Pray before anything I plan on doing. I also learned to reach out to others for help and advice. As well as to leave comments and find bloggers I like and follow them and build a community of bloggers to work with. Which I a working on.
I enjoyed finding new blogs to follow as visiting old friends I hadn’t visited in a while and to make sure I stay in contact with them once the challenge is over. I also learned to listen to my inner voice and not to blog about things that make me uncomfortable such as POLITICS. Because we shouldn’t give up our beliefs for views.
As for a hassle I didn’t find anything to be a hassle with the challenge just a hassle making time to post each day as it is Summer and with Charlie home and us taking vacations it did become hard at times. But I pushed through and I made it and would do it again no, matter what time of year it is.
Yes, I plan on signing up in October as well as every time they host the Ultimate Blog Challenge until the day I quit blogging or Charlie takes over my blog. Or they stop running the Ultimate Blog Challenge which I hope never happens as it helps so may people out. So come join us in October as the more who join us the more fun it is.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
Congrats, and I LOVED the video! What a throwback!
Thank you, I enjoyed the video as well.
Have a Blessed day.
Yay!! I’m so glad you kept going
I made 27/31; this was my third attempt and I have quit by the first week on the other two attempts. YAY YOU!! YAY ME!!
Yes, yeah to both of us we did great and deserve a treat.
Have a Blessed day.
Congrats on completing the challenge Glenda! I’m so glad I signed up and that I met you! While I post steady each month, challenges really give me something to push on with. I’m sure we’ll be following each other on non challenge months but see you full time in October!
Yes, we will see each other although it might not be full time.
I cant wait until October. Have a Blessed day.
Congrats Glenda on completing the challenge.
Blessings for continued success.
Blog on!
Thank you and I wish you the best of well and look forward to
following your site. Have a Blessed day.