I received a new addition to our Christmas Gift Guide 23: Lumineux who sent me there Whitening Kit which contained the following products Lumineux Whitening Pen, Whitening Mouthwash, Whitening Strips (14 packs), Luminex Toothbrush, Luminex Whitening Toothpaste in exchange for this review and a spot in our Christmas Gift Guide.

As a parent we would do anything for our children but sometimes there is things we can’t do like being able to take Charlie to the doctor or dentist he needs to go to due to no, insurance. Which is awful because both mine and Charlie’s teeth are turning yellow.
It breaks my heart when Charlie ask if he can get his teeth cleaned and I have to say we can’t afford it but I will see if I can save the money for you to get your teeth cleaned. But once again the LORD new our needs and had Lumineux contact me to do a review for them which was a Godsend.
I had put the Whitening Kit up to give Charlie either for Christmas or his Birthday in December but when we were packing up my office so the Townhome could redo our kitchen Charlie found the Whitening Kit and looked through it and said oh, wow mom we need to try this.
I didn’t say anything and kept working on the house. The Whitening Kit got packed away and I honestly wasn’t sure were and I had thought Charlie had forgotten about it. This morning Charlie came down and asked if he could use it because his friends was making fun of his teeth.
I let Charlie know I wasn’t sure where the Whitening Kit was and we would have to wait to ask David if he knew. Or if he would help us find it. I went back to work and low and behold Charlie comes walking up with the Whitening Kit and ask me to sit down with him on the couch.
We opened the kit and Charlie reads each of the products and how you use them and how long they have to stay on because we had plans this morning to go walk. Charlie says mom can I at least try the Lumineux Whitening Pen and Whitening Strips (14 Pack).
I let Charlie know that would be fine but I had planned on using one while he used the other but I would rather get his teeth whitened so he isn’t bullied. Charlie went into the restroom and was able to put on the Whitening Strips by himself. Charlie set a timer and went about his chores.
I asked Charlie after 5 minutes how it felt and he said they weren’t bothering him at all. They went on smooth and you couldn’t even tell he had them on. Charlie said there was no, taste and once he took them off I could notice a difference and I can’t wait to see what happens in the 14 days he uses them. Although Charlie did say he would split them with me or dad so we could try them out as well.
Instead I would like to purchase another kit for Charlie as well as one for David and I to use and try out. I was also thinking about getting some of the products for my siter to use in her home as they make wonderful Christmas Stocking Stuffers for people of all ages.
About: Whitening Strips (14 Pack)
Our best-selling, all-time favorite. These are the Whitening Strips of your dreams. The ones that truly care about the integrity of your teeth. These strips are lovingly made with purposeful and uncompromising™ ingredients, like Coconut oil and Dead Sea salt, so you can whiten without the sensitivity. ™ 1,2, 3 * (1-2 month supply)
About: Lumineux Whitening Pen

Next Charlie tried out Lumineux Whitening Pen which Charlie said was like coloring his teeth. I asked him how it felt and he said like toothpaste he forgot to wash off his teeth but it didn’t bother him and he can’t wait to use this again. I like how they give us two choices on how to use the Whitening Pen.
Charlie choose to use it as a whitening pen and in the future Charlie will use it as stain repellant for when he eats foods like Pizza which can stain our teeth. Charlie had to leave it on for 30 minutes in which he couldn’t eat or drink and Charlie said that didn’t bother him at all. Once he finished and showed me his teeth I could see they were cleaner and this is a must have product for our family.
This is, and we can’t stress this enough, our biggest contribution to teeth whitening. This pen does 2 things very well; it helps protect your teeth against stains AND it whitens them.1,2,3 Brush on before you drink coffee, tea or red wine to help protect against staining,1 leave it on for 30 minutes for whiter teeth, without the sensitivity.3*

The key to success for any oral care routine is mouthwash. It’s the best way to get all of our purposeful and uncompromising™ ingredients to those hard to reach places to clean and freshen and, in this case, whiten! This mouthwash is delicious and clinically proven to do all of that and more without the sensitivity1,2,3*for results that go above and beyond™!
Luminex Toothbrush is a wooden toothbrush and I wish you could have seen Charlie’s face when I handed him the package and he opened it up. I didn’t think he would use it but Charlie surprised me when he did use it and let me know it cleaned better than the one he usually uses.
Charlie said its easier to hold and doesn’t slip when his hands are wet. Once he finished brushing his teeth and went to wash the toothbrush off it came clean really fast. Charlie says this is the perfect toothbrush because it isn’t girly looking and anyone of any age could use it.
Charlie surpassed me when he set both of our toothbrushes up this morning with Luminex Whitening Toothpaste, I was surprised to find I liked the way the toothpaste tasted which is usually gritty and the brand we use leaves a aftertaste. Which is why I prefer gel and will not use paste. Charlie and David prefer paste to gel. The flavor was mild and not overpowering and this toothpaste cleans better and leaves my mouth smelling fresh.
I will be purchasing extra tubes of Luminex Whitening Toothpaste so we have one in each restroom. As well as in our guest closet I keep for when people spend the night ie Charlie’s friends who never remember to bring toothbrushes and toothpaste. If your looking for new and unique stocking stuffers you should pick up the toothbrush and toothpaste.
This whitening toothpaste is unlike any you’ve tried. What’s different about it? The first thing you’re likely to notice is that it’s softer than most. That’s because instead of using harsh abrasives to remove stains, we use purposeful and uncompromising™ ingredients like coconut oil and Dead Sea salt to clean, freshen and whiten without the sensitivity.™ 1*
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates