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This is a review for the Television Show Lucifer The Sixth and Final Season I received a DVD of in exchange for this review.

This is one film I didn’t want to watch because LUCIFER to me means the DEVIL and just hearing the name gave me chill bumps. While Charlie and David couldn’t wait to watch this show together. Which they said they had watched on TV in the past.
Which if I had knew I am not sure I would have wanted Charlie to watch this film but David has different thoughts for me. As Charlie and I discussed the DVD Charlie let me know he was sad its the final chapter because its something he and his dad did together. One on one allowing them to bond.

As I red through the description above I was so surprised to find out its about a Fallen Angel and about Los Angels I did sit down and watch one show with Charlie and I actually enjoyed the film and I may watch more of it with Charlie later on. Would you like to join us for #MovieTime?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates