Luby’s has been a party of my life for as far back as I can remember. My mom, my sister and I even worked for Luby’s at Nort Hills Mall before the Mall was closed. When David and I began to date and I become pregnant with Charlie David would take me her to get Fried Fish which I needed with Vegetables David wouldn’t eat.

Charlie loved being able to get a child’s plate with Double Mac & Cheese and Mashed Potatoes. Fast forward to last year Charlie, David and I went out to eat and we went to Luby’s and the one nearest our home was closed. Then we went to another location and it was also closed.
Charlie was so upset and decided he wasn’t ever going out to eat again. I found out about a Luby’s in Forest Hills which is close to Mansfield, Texas. Which is about 30 minutes from our home. I surprised Charlie and took him to lunch and the food was so good. We can’t wait to go back even if its just for deserts.
Charlie ordered Chicken Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Mac & Cheese look how clean his plate is…
I don’t know why all the Cafeteria’s David and I grew up with have had to close but please LORD let one open back up. When your the only one in your home who eats Veggies this is the best way to get them. Not only that you can see the food your choosing to eat and I like that a lot.
David choose Chicken Fried Steak, Pinto Beans ie Red Beans as we call them. Candied Yams is Sweet Potatoes which is one of the reasons he likes to come here. A Roll and of course his Strawberry Shortcake he always has to have. If you know David you know he loves Pecan Pie and he passed it up for the Strawberry Shortcake which you know much be good.

No, David didn’t get two desserts I was bad and the Chocolate Cake is mine and it’s big enough to share or will make me two desserts as I split it either in two or three pieces and man on man is it good. I was a little disappointed they didn’t have German Chocolate Cake which means we need to go back and soon…
I was going to get Roast but they didn’t have it when we went and Chopped Steak was out as well. Which was fine because I was able to get the Fired Fish I love. The Fried Okra didn’t look like it was done enough for me. I was bad and choose the Mac & Cheese and Mashed Potatoes which I love. A Roll which was so good I could have just eaten it.
if your hungry and in the DFW area please visit any Luby’s or Cafeteria’s you come across and help my family keep them open. Send us a comment of which one you visited and the location then Charlie, David and I can visit them as well. Especially if they have desserts for me. I am looking for Chocolate Pie made with Graham Cracker Crust and Whipped Cream or Cool Whip Topping and Chocolate Spice Cake and Rolls because that is the best part of any meal.

3312 S.E. Loop 820 Forest Hill, Fort Worth, TX 76140
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates