By Mort Fertel
One day my 9-year-old was playing violin outside a small shopping plaza.

She’s done this before and it’s common for people to watch for a while and then throw some money in her violin case.
But this time, using her words “Daddy, a man who smelled like alcohol and didn’t look right gave me money.”
On her way home my daughter learned a little more about her new patron. She looked out the car window and there he was holding a sign “Homeless. Please Help.”
Why would a homeless man give money to a little girl whose parents can afford violin lessons? He’s hungry, maybe desperate for drugs, no food on his table, no table, but he gave money to a 9 year old playing violin outside Starbucks. Why?
I think it’s because he wanted to be good, even if just for a moment. Taking feels good, but giving…when we give…we are good. And nothing feels better than being good. I think this homeless man needed relief from taking. He needed something money can’t buy—something that only comes from giving—dignity and goodness.
My dear friend, Ephraim Goldberg, offered another insight, brilliant, I think. He said the homeless man gave money to my daughter because in his world that’s what you do, you give. A homeless man is given to all day long. A homeless man sees more giving in a day than most of us see in a month. Maybe being around giving influenced him to be a giver.
There are a lot of inspiring stories about giving…stories of people giving to strangers, rich giving to the poor, a homeless man giving to a child, but you know where we need more giving? At home, between husband and wife. It’s relatively easy to give to colleagues, friends, even strangers. But the true test of one’s character is whether or not they’re a giver at home.
Tonight, give unconditionally to your husband, wife, or kids. Giving at home and being good will feel so much better than whatever you would otherwise be doing on your phone. And maybe your giving will influence others in your home to give too. Imagine a home filled with giving and goodness. Message me and let me know how it goes.
Mort Fertel is the founder of the Marriage Fitness Program and the author of the e-report 7 Secrets to Fixing Your Marriage available as a free resource at
Guest Post
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
Maybe he just appreciated the musical talent of your daughter. He’s so kind! It’s nice to be inspired by these stories.
Your daughter with her violin and music inspired this man. He gave what he could just like the scriptures says to do.
I love this. What a sweet story. I always enjoy reading inspiring acts like this. It reminds me the world is good.
this is so interesting and i love the story behind the art of giving and taking- despite where you in life, its always good to be kind to others, even if it means being homeless and giving up money to someone who may seem to have it all but we really dont know. we all just need to spread more love
What a valuable lesson! You are absolutely right that it is all about give and take… not just take take take.
Such an interesting story. I am sure this has made an impression on your daughter showing her that giving is so special
That’s an awesome story. I’m happy for your daughter that she had this experience. I bet it will help to make her always generous and kind.
Such a lovely story. I am sure this has made an impression on your daughter showing her that giving is so special
That is awesome story . Even though is he is tight with money, he enjoyed the music and want to give some thing. That is power of music, also your daughter learned valuable lessons of life.
This is the kind of story I love to read. He probably admitted her talent and wanted to show her. She probably made his day! This story made my day!
Wow! It’s amazing where generosity can come from when we least expect it. You need to share this story with the news.
What a beautiful story. It seems that she learned a lot from that experience.
I have seen this happen before and it was explained to me like this: I have so little beauty in my life, and this makes me happy to give.
It is great that he was encouraging and able to give to someone else! I hope she continues to share her music with others.
What a heartwarming story. Bless that homeless man for what he did. There are definitely still a lot of good people out there.
This is such an important lesson to learn. I absolutely love that he have to her even if he may not have had much.
I agree.
It’s nice how you can inspire others. We’re looking to put the boys in music lessons. I think it helps them with their concentration.