Look what the Easter Bunny Brought Me

The Mommies Reviews

Last Sunday was Easter but David had to work so Charlie wanted to wait until this evening to hunt Eggs even though he had gotten his Basket last week.

This afternoon David said he needed to run a couple errands and asked if I wanted to go with him. But I opted to stay home with Charlie and finish watching a movie Charlie and I were watching.

When David got home he went outside to hide the Eggs Charlie and I had colored. Charlie and I gathered his basket as we waited for David to finish hiding the eggs.

David called us outside and even handed me a basket so I could hunt eggs with Charlie. As we begin to walk through the yard we found notes leading us to our car.

I had no, clue why but David went to the backseat like the note asked and Charlie found Beetlejuice (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) the movie he had been asking for. Along with some candy.

I went to the front seat like the note I had said and I found a Owl Throw with Owls in brown and blue that David had picked up at Big Lots for me. The throw is in memory of my mom. Along with a container of Jiffy Pop Popcorn for our movie night this evening.

I hadn’t seen Jiffy Pop Popcorn in a container like this before but I couldn’t wait to pop this Popcorn because I love Popcorn just as my mom does. Finding these unexpected treasures was a lot of fun.

Charlie and I can’t wait until next year to see what the Easter Bunny bring us and we would like to know if he visited you? If so what did he bring you and why?

Preview of Beetlejuice:

Beetlejuice: Deluxe Edition (DVD)

What’s a couple of stay-at-home ghosts to do when their beloved home is taken over by trendy yuppies? They call on Beetlejuice, the afterlife’s freelance bio-exorcist to scare off the family – and everyone gets more than she, he or it bargains for!

Tim Burton guides this PG-rated comedy Monster piece whose stars include Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, and Winona Ryder. And Michael Keaton is Beetlejuice, the ghost with the most who flings one-liners, spins into grotesque forms, gobbles insects, and who just can’t leave the ladies (living or dead) alone. Ghoul love it!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates