LM Solutions offers Homeschool Resources
The day we came home from taking Charlie out of school after deciding to Homeschool Charlie. I was worried and freaking out. And I reached out to L. Morse (aka Elle) from LM Solutions as I needed someone to talk to. And I didn’t know it when we decided to Homeschool Charlie but LM Solutions offers Homeschool Resources.
And the first thing Elle said to me is it will be OK. We got this. And you can do it. And she was right. As Elle has been right by my side and made me some handouts for Homeschool.
And if there is things I need made or things I think about and want to find I know that I can reach out to Elle and she will help me find the items I need. Or make them for me if she can.
Today I wanted to share this paper Elle made last year for Saint Patrick’s Day that I missed out on. But today she showed it to me and let me know how one lady used it to teach her son cursive. And I love that ideal and may use it for that as well.
But I also have been thinking about looking for a Pen Pal for Charlie and I think the Saint Patrick’s paper Elle created would be perfect for Charlie to write a letter to his pen pal on.
As no, one else would have the same kind of paper. And with the lines it will help keep the letter neater. And Charlie will be able to practice his handwriting which is atrocious. And it will make him a better writer.
If your looking for new and unusual items for your classroom I hope you take the time to contact Elle as I am sure she can make anything you need.
And not just for Homeschool but for Blogging and also for business owners as well. Because Elle did my blog design and she also makes a lot of the Banners I use on my site. As well as the Gift Guides I put together.
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