Linda A. Olson Publisher of Love Your Story

The Mommies Reviews

Please help me welcome Linda A. Olson Publisher of Lover Your Story which you will find inside our Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Women. I can’t wait to sit down and read this new novel and I thought you might enjoy this book as well.

Have you ever looked into the mirror and wondered who you are staring at? Have you ever wondered why you are on this earth? What if you displayed the qualities of a Champion where-ever you went and anyone in the world would stop and listen?

Love Your Story: Let God Define Your Story To Be The Champion You Were Meant To Be by [Linda Olson]

Now … is the time to fully embrace your story so you can be a Champion wherever you go. 

Linda Olson is a multiple bestselling author, TEDx speaker and expert in empowering people to find, create and tell their story.

Why does loving your story and embracing who you are even matter?

What does a young person do when she is derailed from what she thought life was? Truth be told, it breaks you … or you break it! It took work, but Linda Olson broke it. She shattered it! Not in a moment but in weeks, months, and years of dedication to discovering that she could rise above the challenges that kept her from being the champion she is today. 

Because of my brokenness it took me a long time to grasp my value and discover the gifts and abilities I had been given. After a lengthy journey to healing I discovered you don’t have to wait for someone to tell you who you are  and what you have to offer. God has already defined your story, it’s a matter of embracing it and be the champion you were called to be. 

The question isn’t whether you can be a champion, it’s fully embracing who you are within.

Linda Olson’s, Love Your Story, lays the foundation through a clear and simple pathway. Linda offers strategies, tools, and practical tips to address the area where our greatest power lies: knowing our identity in Christ. With that as an foundation, anyone can learn to rise above fears, insecurities, and any other challenges and learn to soar like an eagle. 

Bestselling author Linda Olson equips you with the tools to uncover your true identity.

You will discover

  • How to grasp the true gift of reflection; the mirror to see your true self
  • A simple pathway to your true identity, who you are in Christ
  • How true champions are created
  • Strengths you didn’t even know you had
  • The favor on your life 
  • Practical tools to rise above every challenge and soar

Linda’s book, Love Your Story equips you to know your true identity. This will open doors you never saw before, take you to places you never dreamed of, and allow you to embrace opportunities that you never thought were possible. 

Download Love Your Story; Let God Define Your Story and Be the Champion You Were Meant To Be

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates