I would like to introduce you to a children’s book company Lillypost who allows our children to discover books our little ones will love, delivered to your doorstep every month! Through there subscription box services which I can’t wait to sign up for.

Lillypost believes that reading changes children’s lives. That is why they have made it their mission to donate one book for every box purchased to children who do not have the resources for book ownership. To date, Lillypost has donated over 90,000 books to literacy-based charities across North America and into children’s hands!

Discover books for kids from newborn to 7 years old. Select your little one’s age and get 4 board books or 3 picture books (or a mix of both!) delivered to your doorstep for as low as $15.95 / month! The books are yours to keep and every box has an average retail value of $25 – $50!
Choose the plan that’s right for you, from month-to-month to prepaid that offer better discounts and we’ll do the rest!
For every box we ship, Lillypost donates a book to a child in need. One box, one book. To date, we’ve donated over 90,000 books to kids across North America and we’re just getting started!
The first book inside my subscription box I would like to talk to you about is A Cooked-Up Fairy Tale which we can use when we study Fairy Tales in our Homeschooling class.
Or we can read this new book before we do our Cooking Class and then we can use the foods they mention in our recipe we will make that day. Even though this book is for younger children both Charlie and I enjoyed it a lot and will be purchasing copies for my niece and nephew.
From the creators of There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight comes a fun fractured fairy tale about an aspiring chef who mistakenly turns story ingredients into delectable dishes. . . . Uh-oh!
In the magical land of fairy tales, William doesn’t quite fit in. He’d rather poach pears than pursue princesses, and he values gnocchi over knighthood. . . .
When he stumbles on a delivery of food destined for Fairy-Tale Headquarters (a pumpkin, apples, and a few measly beans), he decides to spice things up and whips the paltry ingredients into delectable dishes. But as you might have guessed, Snow White’s wicked stepmother doesn’t exactly want her magic apple baked and drizzled with caramel.
The team brings you a hilariously fractured, whipped, and souffléed fairy tale that is chock-full of delicious details and jokes to satisfy every appetite.
The second book I was sent was Garcia & Colette Go Exploring which Charlie can read before our Science class when we are studying Space. We can draw the spaceships for Art class.
We can also use this new book when studying Planets and the Milky Way or even the Ocean creating multiple lessons. Or just take a break and read this new book before bed time.
Exploring outer space and the ocean is exciting, but what if you left something very important at home?
Best friends Garcia and Colette are eager to go exploring, only they can’t agree on where to go. Garcia loves everything about space (Stars! Planets!) and Colette is obsessed with the sea (Waves! Fish!).
Staying home is not an option, so they each get busy. Garcia builds a rocket ship that’s snazzy and silver. Colette’s shiny submarine is perfect for deep-sea dives. And they wish each other well on their travels.
It turns out the Milky Way really is amazing and the ocean floor is truly spectacular, but Garcia and Colette both realize they left something very important back home.
Exploring your favorite place can be terrific, but maybe the company is more important than the destination.
The third book they sent me was Slide and Find Nursery Rhymes and Charlie can read this book to my nice Daisy. Or we can do a lesson plan on Nursery Rhymes.
We could put together a play for the kids in the neighborhood or even a concert and turn the Rhymes into a song. I can even see us doing a lesson plan using the animals in the book like the mouse from Hickory Dickery Dock.
If your looking for a way to make extra money then you should check out the Affiliate program which you can earn money when anyone purchases through your link.

Lillypost Affiliate Program (US) Affiliate Program
Lillypost is the #1 way for parents to discover new books that their little ones will love every month, for up to 50% off of regular retail prices. Not only do we provide our customers with heart-warming reading experiences with their littles at amazing prices, but we also donate a book to a child in need for every box delivered. In total, we’ve donated over 50,000+ books!
EXTRA NOTE: Lillypost has tripled in size over the last year and we expect to keep this same growth trajectory!
Benefits of joining Lillypost’s Affiliate Program:
- You’ll be joining a program that is growing exponentially!
- $16 payouts per transaction.
- Access to the internal marketing team for support.
- Access to world-class design team for email + banner support.
- Extra rewards for top-performing Affiliate Partners.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates