Lifestyle Blogging Just a Click Away

If you’re reading this then you probably already have a list of your favourite lifestyle bloggers and websites that you visit often. Websites that offer you insights into family life, fashion, the latest food trends and so on.

Browsing through these sites is a great way to kill a few hours and pick some tricks and life hacks, but have you ever wondered if you too could take on the mantle of a lifestyle blogger and create your own little haven on the internet?

If you have ever wondered how to go about this and having a burning desire to set up your own site, then this guide is for you. Here we’ll explore what it takes to get started and how you can find your audience. Whether you’re a fashionista, parent or both, there’s room out there for brand you so get reading, dreaming and creating.

Your Brand

You’ll know already that for every hobby, every interest and for every facet of life there is a website or blog. Some are great but others, not so much. Before you jump in with both feet, take a look at  a few of your favourite sites and make a list of what makes them great. Note down any attributes that count against them as well, so you don’t make the same mistakes

Then you’ll need to think about what it is about you and your site that makes it unique. What is it about Brand You that will stand out from the rest and what is it, exactly, that you’re offering?

Once you’ve established what it is you want to write about it’s time to think about your website. The look, the navigation, all the menus and sub menus you want to include and the content you want to establish.

If you’re up to the challenge there are very many website building sites out there from WordPress to One that will give you the opportunity to build your site from scratch. If you’re not a tech person and need to Google everything from how to cut and paste to how to find your Apple ID sign up then having someone build your site from the ground up is often a better choice and one that will allow you to be as creative as you want to be. If you’re hoping to eventually make money from your site, then consider this a great initial investment.

Image from Pixabay


If you’re not ready to go all the way with a fully functioning website just yet, then how about just starting with a blog. There are plenty of easy to use platforms out there for first time bloggers and after you’ve followed a simple sign-up process you’ll be able to dip your toe into the world of blogging.

This will help you get your craft down to a fine art, experiment with what does and doesn’t work and help you practice writing to different lengths. If you’re looking to get your blog picked up in search engines then you can use SEO (search engine optimisation) techniques to make that happen or just share with friends and family for some feedback that you can use to hone your posts.

It’s easy to start off with a burst of creativity and then run out of steam after two or three blogs so it’s well worth sitting down and creating a plan for what and when you’ll publish. A habit of consistent posting will help establish a routine and help your blog posts to be picked up in Google, growing your audience over time.

Think about the length of your post. Shorter one should be around the 500 word mark, while longer runs could run up to 1,500. Any longer and you run the risk of losing your reader’s interest. Consider carefully your heading, what is going to appeal to a wider audience and not just be specialised to you? You may need to develop a theme or niche to your blogs that establish you as an expert or at least a voice with some authority on your particular subject.

Getting Found

If you’ve got your blog ready or your website off the ground, there are plenty of free moves you can make to help get your creation taken notice of.

Think about those organic searches that might lead people to your site by using your own and friends social media channels. You’ll also want to set up site-specific social media so get started on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to begin with. It might seem like a full-time job in itself but heavy social media marketing will go a long way in driving visitors to your site.

Using your blog too can help you when it comes to getting picked up by Google. Use searchable keywords that relate to your field or industry and key phrases in the body of your text that will get picked up.

You’ll need to think about keeping sentences fairly short, using linking words to join together concepts and actions and make good use of subheadings to break up text. Don’t forget to use images too but make sure they are high quality and that you have permission to use them. Often images found on Google are subject to copyright so make sure you have the right permissions or use a site with royalty free images available.

Your blog or new website is a place you’re going to be spending a lot of time, so get to know it and learn how each function works and what you need to do to keep it updated and ticking over. This may mean learning a whole new skillset but at the end of the day, this is going to be the difference between a hobby and a full-time job.

Create your own home on the internet and take your blogging into a brand new direction, one that might even find you becoming one of those lifestyle bloggers you’re always reading.