LIFEPAC is a Christian homeschool curriculum for grades K-12. Designed by a team of accomplished educators with years of classroom experience, LIFEPAC is based on the principle of mastery learning. Students master content in each unit worktext before progressing to the next.
LIFEPAC a recipient of Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Family Favorite award, recognizing the best curriculum in homeschooling.
For Charlie I will be checking into both 6th and 7th Grade curriculum. The first workbook I plan on purchasing is LIFEPAC® 6th Grade Math Unit 2 Worktext.
LIFEPAC® 6th Grade Math Unit 2 Worktext

Looking for an affordable way to teach your sixth grader about multiplication, fractions, and equations? The LIFEPAC 6th Grade Math Unit 2 Worktext is the perfect solution!
This exciting, consumable Alpha Omega curriculum will help teach your child such math concepts as prime factors, fractions with unlike denominators, and more. Tests are included.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates